Friday, August 17, 2012

Something You Seek

Hello there.

It's been such a long time. Nearly 4 months huh.

Don't really know how to keep all this in.

1. I broke up with Sarah.

I think that's mainly what's affecting me. I've never felt this affected before. I think it's because I've always expected so much out of our relationship. Guess it came to a point where I realized, or we realized, we were really not that good of a match.

I think it's true when they say, life hits you harder when you're down.

I cried again. In camp. I think it was caz of the problems that came from work. Somehow it just affected me so much. And then it got worse after a bunch of us got scolded. Then I started thinking of all the bad stuff that I'm going through. Comments people made about me. Things my parents said to me. Words I've heard but still smiled anyway. I guess I just didn't know why I could be so happy all the time.

So all these happened, and then I broke down. Then of course I tried to fight it, but, as you would know, the harder you try to fight your tears, it's gonna come back at you 10 times harder. I think.

They also say, "all you have to do is just stand up."

That's what I've been telling friends who were upset. I thought it'd be easy. After all, everyone has their sob stories. But I think what I need to hear isn't that. I think it's telling me how to "stand up". That's something substantial.

I can predict the next few lines. They'll be something like, "no one can help you but yourself." "You're the strongest person you've known." "No one's gonna love you as much as you love yourself. "

Now that I think about it, they really sound stupid. Because I feel like such a mess. I never felt more discouraged. Because now sleeping and stoning really doesn't work for me anymore.

I need some alcohol. Lots of alcohol actually. I need nicotine. I need people to just be beside me. Y'know. Not really talk to me. But, physically be there. Just let me be quiet.

I think I might just wanna drink and pass out. But I can't. My parents might just kill me first.

My parents. I love them but, idk.

I've really never felt worse.

Wanted to share this on twitter. But I guess it'll make me look like an attention seeking mother fucking whore.

Ah well.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Heavy Heart.

hello guys.

i just had a really bad night. felt like i was alone and stuff. i know there were people who tried to cheer me up. i appreciate it. probably due to the stress and stuff. idk if it's really stress. or maybe it's just me. maybe i've never really grown stronger as a person.

i'm just feeling like reaaaaaaaaallly down. i don't even know how to describe it. it's like, i wanna rage and stuff. but i can't get the energy to do it.

maybe it's just puberty uh. lol.......

don't feel like sleeping. but.. guess i don't really have a choice huh.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bad News Never Had Good Timing

Hello there.

Today.. was the first time I've cried in a while.

Maybe it was just the alcohol. Idk.

This blog has become such a sad space. Wasn't meant to be that way.

Life's unfair.

Fuck irony.

Fuck kindness.

Fuck every single shit life's throwing at us. Nobody wants to be sad.

Monday, February 6, 2012


hi there,

what the hellllll is up you crazy papsonahtis.

there is also no such word as papsonahtis don't google that shit.

ever heard of the pandora's box. yeaa.. me neither.

ha just fuckin' with ya. of course i have. in case you were expecting some serious discussion about it, there isn't gonna be one.

how have you guys been? life's been nothing short of amazing for me. oh wait i mean, amazing-ly stupid.

remember the times when my blog was so active, i probably had like 500 readers and shit? nahhhh. i was just messin'.

this space is kinda like a dead town now. which doesn't really make sense.

holler at me! you freakin ni-njas!

i feel like, i'm talking to a volleyball on an island. if you know what i mean. :( guysssssss?

ah well.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dubleee doo

Hello there.

Wuz reading my blogposts from last year. I really sounded quite retarded.

A year has passed. Wouldn't say it's v fast or something. But it's been awesome. I guess.

Really miss some people. Hope they're doing well.

I hope 2012's gonna fly. Like super fast.

And I certainly hope I make less bad decisions.

Really miss the days when I was just bloggin' mah life away.

Really miss the days when I could walk around SP looking at stuff (and girls) (and guys.. in a completely non-homosexual way).

Truth is, I still don't wanna grow up. But I don't really have a choice, do I?

Really look forward to having long hair.


Just kidding. I just felt like typing that for some reason.

I wanna be an A&F model. I want a hot bod. I want nice clothes. I want a lot of money. I want a car. A nice one. I want a house. I want nice shoes. I want a pet.

Piss out homeboyz.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


hello there.

first time typing on my phone. cool.

for some reason, i can't type capital letters.

i'm just thinking so much again.. maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. i really really miss a lot of people.

didn't mean to sound like a weak fuck. but yeaaa, just needed channel all this negative energy somewhere.

things are.. not going that smoothly. wish it's just a phase. like any other.

i'm sleepy. and i need some company. not physically. is anyone out there? not anymore i guess.

wonder how much more of this i can actually take.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Hello there.

Y'know, maybe the problem doesn't lie with others.

Maybe it's just me.

I've told people that.. when it comes to certain stuff, there isn't a need to think too much. Just do it what you want to. Caz if you think too much, you'll end up wasting time.

And then now I see the whole point of thinking through something. Because in the end, you'll make a better decision and probably end up wasting less time as compared to doing all the wrong things and regretting them.

It's always the same shit that happens. Fuck.

I feel like clubbing now. And it's never a good thing when I feel like clubbing.

Maybe that's what you get when you're born a fucking weirdo. When you try too hard to be the "all-rounder".

Caz when you try to achieve so many things at once, you're not gonna get anything at all.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them