Hello there.
So someone told me, "it is what's inside that counts, but reality is that if someone isn't good looking, there'll hardly be anyone willing to take a look at what's inside."
No shit, baby. So, I was just taking a stroll back from West Coast Park tonight. There were no stars to accompany me. All I had was my feet to carry me back home, and "Estranged" by Guns N' Roses to calm me down. (Awesome song guys, you should listen to it)
And yea, somehow I was just thinking about that statement the whole way. In fact, I was even thinking of it in the afternoon.
Don't you think it's kinda true? That everything becomes very superficial, especially when you're good looking. It's exactly like those bimbo chic-flicks kinda thing. Everyone stabs your freaking ass when you turn your back on them. And how everything seems to be all nice and stuff. You may be a f**king prick, but people will still treat you nicely and tell you that, "It's okay. I think you're fine the way you are."
This will of course, mislead you into thinking that, "damn right bitch, I'm like THE angel sent from heaven." But obviously, you're nothing but a pile of shit to others, BUT THEY JUST DON'T SHOW IT.
Even when you're the most boring person alive. Even when all you know is nothing but being lazy and stoning. Even if you're the weirdest dipshit. It doesn't matter, because you're good looking.
Let's put it this way, someone else told me, "fat/ugly people are nice. Because they have nothing else to rely on but their personality." You may think it's mean, but no shit. It's true. And it isn't such a bad thing!
So the "fat/ugly people" may ask, "Why so?" Why?? It's because you don't have to constantly be on your toes to see if people are genuinely treating you the way you deserve to be treated. You have real friends because you are nice. People don't have to be afraid to tell you stuff.
The good looking people are the freaking losers on the losing end. Why?? Because they're clouded by their own self-indulgence. By their mindless/brainwashed perception of themselves. They can't differentiate what's good/ bad for them. They don't know what's real and what's not?
Just like the freaking overrated movie called, "Inception". And also like alllll the other chic-flicks with their bimbos.
So "fat/ugly people", don't think of yourself as fat and ugly. Think of yourself as the luckier ones being born. After all, good looks fade over time. And you're the people who'll pick up the "good looking losers" after they so pathetically crumble.
So that's all for today's rant guys. I'm not trying to be narcissistic/egoistic in this post. Even though I don't think I'm good-looking. Apparently, some people think I am. And guess what? I've already shown you guys that being good-looking isn't the best thing ever? So guys, try to know more people, not just the good-looking ones.. And by knowing, I mean understanding. And not trying to get in their pants.
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