Heyyyy guys,

And yea, I think all of us are pretty familiar with how life works by now. No shit, I have loaddddss to complain about. There's so much I want to do, but I don't know, somehow I'll just find myself holding back for certain reasons. (Sometimes I'm just lazy, but yea.. Don't judge me again.) I guess, it's just teen angst? 10 years from now, we'll probably laugh at all the thoughts and ideas we had. (Or maybe not) Maybe, we'll even find the stuff we got upset about, retarded? Don't get me wrong... I was just sayin' . But I guess for now, it's okay to be sad/happy/angry/excited or whatever. After all, that is what is gonna make us who we are in the future.
And no doubt,

So yea, found this quite some time back, but haven't got the chance to show it to you guys. Click herreeee >>>>> HERE (p.s. I really really love his accent)
So yea, I'm having a blog-block now (cool eh? I just thought of the term, it's like a mental-block, but yea, I can't remember what I really wanted to blog about). And that's about itttt.
Sooooooo peace out people, and take care Morgan. Anddddd, All the best to the guys who are having their exams in 2 weeks. (That includes me)
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
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