Hi guys. Did you miss me? I guess not. Weellllzzz, I'm back, likeee.... Finally after 2 or 3 weeks? I don't know. Exams are finally over (WWOOOO!!! Late celebration, but still.) And yea, guess where I've been?
That's righhhhttt, it's mother-freaking Sydney. (Love the blackberry's camera btw.) So yeaaappp, I have a lot of photos of it actually, but I'm too lazy to upload them. So yea. Nothing really special there I guess, except the animals, and the weather and the tourist attractions and the hot white-people. (That's pretty much everything eh?) Butttt, yea I really really like the weather there. It's like Spring now or something.
So, although it's been quite some time since I've had long flippy/silky hair, people have been asking me, "Why do you like having your long hair?" Questions like these were asked so many times, if I had to count them, I'd rather eat my own dung. Then again, a few of the replies I'd give are, "Becaz it's freaking cool!" or "because I'll look like friggin' rockstar!". Or maybe the most common one, "Because the chicks dig it."
Come on guys, I know I probably look hideous/broke-back with it, I mean, I can tell. (But I still like it.)
Imma lay it all out today. It's all about attention-seeking and being different.
Before I make myself sound like some kind of desperado, or some act cool wannabe h0m1ez from da h00dz, what I'm trying to say is. I was just trying to find some kind of identity. Because I want to be recognized. Because I HATE being a nobody.
Oh, you can go ahead and start flaming, "Oh jiawei, you're such a disappointment. Why are you living your life for others?.." Well, the truth stings. Let's face it, everyone NEEDS attention. It's just the amount of attention you want, and the people whom you want it from.
Well, I guess I'm just one of the unfortunate ones who need/want more attention. After all, that's all part of growing up. It's just how we want to define ourselves. That's why everybody wants to be different. That's why, I'd rather go out and have people laugh behind my back, "Omg, look that long hair dude's a freaking weirdo".
But the one thing I've missed out is that, being different is not that different? In the end, we're still constantly looking for people who are "different" to mimic. Just to declare ourselves as unique individuals.

I don't really know what point I'm trying to make. I'm just saying that, I just want my own identity. I guess that's what most people spend their lives trying to do. I get a lot of "just be yourself" or "live your own life"-s. In fact, I do give people such advice. But, I guess it's not even easy to "be yourself". I don't even know how to be myself, especially since we've been influenced by so many things already.
Y'know what I'm sayin'? No? It's kay, I don't expect anyone to. Okayyy, I'm gonna count sheeps. See you guys soon. Peaceeee.
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