Hello there.
What's up guys. It's gonna be a loooonnnnngggg post. Caz I have to rant. And I have a discussion to share. So if you don't wanna read the whooooolllleee thing, you can stop after reading half of it. And come back to read the other half. :)
So I know a lot of you have been dying to ask me this. (okay maybe I was exaggerating just a bit.) So someone's finally beat you guys to it.

Is that even a question! I mean, just see for yourself!
There. Self-explanatory. (Btw, I really love that picture. As in, the angmoh girl one. But that doesn't make me a perv okay. You gotta admit she's pretty damn hot)
Okay, the main reason why I like white people is because they make everything look awesome! Like clothes and stuff (as compared to the asian models). I mean that's probably true because they have nicer/defined facial features. For example, that's why all our mothers like to pull our flat noses when we were younger. Because they wanted us to have nose-bridges, which most white people have.
Secondly, white people have nicer builds. Like, they're taller, they have wider shoulders and stuff. That's why clothes seem to fit them so much better. (I think?) I mean, take a look at lookbook.nu.
Oh and did I mention, more of the angmohs get to chase their own dreams? Like they can easily form a band and play music all day, without worrying about angry parents or their own survival. Asian culture usually stops us from doing what we really want. Because of over protective parents, etc. etc.
Now, before you guys go all batshit crazy about how I'm anti-Asians. I'd like to clarify that, I AM NOT anti-Azn. In fact I'm pretty proud of us, because we are better than them at certain things.
Honestly, we Asians are so kick ass at being exotic, our food's sooooo crazy even foreign Asians won't eat them. We've got freaking spicy food, insects, raw fish, animal testicles .. ( I could go on for ages). I mean , seriously, the way angmohs shun Durians, they might as well put it up on Fear Factor as a challenge. And our chilli sauce at McDonald's probably waaayyy too spicy for them.
Angmohs obviously can't handle horror flicks as well as us. I mean seriously, look how they publicized Paranormal Activity. "One of the scariest movies of all times"? You've got to be kidding. Have they seen Thai horror movies? And all the lousy remakes of Japanese films like "The Ring" and "One Missed Call". Seriously. They have to do better than that. (Oh btw, I'm a real pussy. I HATE horror films. But the angmoh horror films don't really scare me that much. Maybe except, for one or two. :/)
No. 3. Really crazy- assed gameshows.
Angmohs obviously can't handle horror flicks as well as us. I mean seriously, look how they publicized Paranormal Activity. "One of the scariest movies of all times"? You've got to be kidding. Have they seen Thai horror movies? And all the lousy remakes of Japanese films like "The Ring" and "One Missed Call". Seriously. They have to do better than that. (Oh btw, I'm a real pussy. I HATE horror films. But the angmoh horror films don't really scare me that much. Maybe except, for one or two. :/)

Really, Asians have the funniest gameshows. I mean, Ninja Warrior is totally whacked. And not only the Japanese have funky stuff, the Hong Kong dudes have some decent gameshows too. America has American Gladiators and Wipeout or whatever. But seriously, you don't get to see nearly naked guys running around on TV or people passing frogs around with their mouths.
So that's about it I guess. So Angmohs vs Asians? I'd say, there's no need to compare. I like both of them. But I guess, I just want what I don't have. Freedom, chance to do whatever they like to do, awesome facial features. Their lifestyles. Culture. Yeap. Guess, the grass is always greener on the other side.
OKAY. So.. time for a mini story. I was in school today. And I was distributing some products to students and the staff of SP. Most of you might know, I have a really bad temper. And the last thing I need is f***ed up and demanding people/customers. (which probably explains why I'm never gonna work in the customer service line) When I meet people like that, I'll really lose control.
So what happened was, this lecturer came to us and Clemence (my friend) explained to him that there was this admin difficulty we experienced and how we were sorry he couldn't get his product today. So he started ranting and raised his voice at poor Clemence who was trying to please him like a real customer service pro. (Respect.)
So yea, I kinda lost it after a while and I raised my voice back at him, saying that there was nothing we can do about it now. And he should probably go back and wait for us to call him, and that we'll do it ASAP. Obviously, in a meaner tone. (But, in my defense, I tried explaining also.)
This mofo, of ALL screwed up things he had to say, he asked me to, "You. Shut up." With the talk-to-the-hand gesture. So that was basically it, he went past my limits. So I shouted at him, in front of a lot of people and we kind of got into an argument. I said something like, "You're a freaking lecturer and you're telling me, a student, to shut up. What the hell is that supposed to mean." (With a lot of exclamation marks, like !!!!!) Yea and then I was ready to stand up to continue our argument. Caz he was some short shit. And I was about to use my height to intimidate him. :) Very mean, I know. But I swear it works. But Clemence, Theophilus and the grp kinda held me back.
But guys! I wasn't gonna hit him! I swear! I'm not the type to get into a fight and get screwed over caz I hit some lame duck. Hahah. You guys overestimate me. I wayyyyy too much of a coward to hit someone. I was probably gonna say, "you go play scissors paper stone with the mirror. If you win then you come and talk to me."
Anyway, to the nincompoop lecturer, we don't freaking owe you the goddamn world. So take it like a man and stfu. We're students, not some kinda pro customer service team. If you want a scolding, I'll jolly-well give it to you. Because I'm not the type who'd bend my back all the way to smell your ass. It should have been you who was sitting at the pavement along the road, not the two indians who died/severely injured. And another car would have freaking ran you over. So you die, x 2. And now I'm gonna take back what I said, because according to others, my curses really work sometimes. And I don't want to feel guilty. And I don't want your family to be sad over someone like you. And I don't really know you. (Btw, I know his name, so I'm thinking if I should write a complaint letter. But then again, that makes me look like a behind the scene coward.)
Okay that's all for the rant guys. Really angsty ending. But really, that guy deserves a beating.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
So that's about it I guess. So Angmohs vs Asians? I'd say, there's no need to compare. I like both of them. But I guess, I just want what I don't have. Freedom, chance to do whatever they like to do, awesome facial features. Their lifestyles. Culture. Yeap. Guess, the grass is always greener on the other side.
OKAY. So.. time for a mini story. I was in school today. And I was distributing some products to students and the staff of SP. Most of you might know, I have a really bad temper. And the last thing I need is f***ed up and demanding people/customers. (which probably explains why I'm never gonna work in the customer service line) When I meet people like that, I'll really lose control.
So what happened was, this lecturer came to us and Clemence (my friend) explained to him that there was this admin difficulty we experienced and how we were sorry he couldn't get his product today. So he started ranting and raised his voice at poor Clemence who was trying to please him like a real customer service pro. (Respect.)
So yea, I kinda lost it after a while and I raised my voice back at him, saying that there was nothing we can do about it now. And he should probably go back and wait for us to call him, and that we'll do it ASAP. Obviously, in a meaner tone. (But, in my defense, I tried explaining also.)
This mofo, of ALL screwed up things he had to say, he asked me to, "You. Shut up." With the talk-to-the-hand gesture. So that was basically it, he went past my limits. So I shouted at him, in front of a lot of people and we kind of got into an argument. I said something like, "You're a freaking lecturer and you're telling me, a student, to shut up. What the hell is that supposed to mean." (With a lot of exclamation marks, like !!!!!) Yea and then I was ready to stand up to continue our argument. Caz he was some short shit. And I was about to use my height to intimidate him. :) Very mean, I know. But I swear it works. But Clemence, Theophilus and the grp kinda held me back.
But guys! I wasn't gonna hit him! I swear! I'm not the type to get into a fight and get screwed over caz I hit some lame duck. Hahah. You guys overestimate me. I wayyyyy too much of a coward to hit someone. I was probably gonna say, "you go play scissors paper stone with the mirror. If you win then you come and talk to me."
Anyway, to the nincompoop lecturer, we don't freaking owe you the goddamn world. So take it like a man and stfu. We're students, not some kinda pro customer service team. If you want a scolding, I'll jolly-well give it to you. Because I'm not the type who'd bend my back all the way to smell your ass. It should have been you who was sitting at the pavement along the road, not the two indians who died/severely injured. And another car would have freaking ran you over. So you die, x 2. And now I'm gonna take back what I said, because according to others, my curses really work sometimes. And I don't want to feel guilty. And I don't want your family to be sad over someone like you. And I don't really know you. (Btw, I know his name, so I'm thinking if I should write a complaint letter. But then again, that makes me look like a behind the scene coward.)
Okay that's all for the rant guys. Really angsty ending. But really, that guy deserves a beating.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
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