This post is gonna be very very very long. Well caz, it's gonna be about the people (or groups of them.. because if I had to write for everyone it'll damn crazy) who mean a lot to me/has made a huge impact in my life etc etc.
First up, CLASS DBA 04!!! (righhht?), I don't really remember. I think it's 04?
You guys are seriously the best classmates I've had. That's why so many people have heard of you guys. I mean every single one of you together form this... unstoppable.. force of awesome? (and destruction). It's like all the shit we can do together, it's not something every class is capable of. I really really miss how we would have lunch together in FC6, and Jeremy shouting across the whole place. And how Eugene would shout "SEXXXXXX" for like no apparent reason. And how Chee Wei would do his *facepalm* thing. I loved watching how Ken poked soooo many asses, and how Andy complained about Darren's snores in this comical manner.
I would have mentioned all of you if I could, but I really need space for this post. Years spent with you guys were really worth it. And you guys were the one of the few reason why I didn't regret coming to SP.
Next up, Yejing.
Yejing. I know you're probably one of the few people that are gonna see this post. Which is also why you totally deserve to be inside. Remember how I told you, I really cared for you and stuff. I still mean it. I remember everything since the first time I talked to you. And how you would be sooo conscious about whatever you say/do. And how we would stay up all the way til like 6 a.m. to talk about giraffes, ribbons, stars, lamas. And we always shared the same "wanderer" taste in clothes etc. (kay I'll 'fess up now. I think I like your dressing the most up til now)
I remember how we would take super long walks for like no reason. (because we couldn't decide on what to do) And how we could stay quiet beside each other for so long, (because I usually sleep damn easily). People may find it awkward, but I think it's damn cool that we can do that. Like sit somewhere and stone together. You should know how sorry I am. But really... thanks for being there.
Okaay.... then it's.. erm.. the one and only Siao One.
Chin Jia Qi. Probably didn't expect to see yourself up here. (Or actually I bet you did) You are seriously like one siao woman. You should also know that, even though I always insult you for fun. I also care for you a lot. And I'm proud to know that a lot of people are jealous because we're damn close as siblings or something. And heck, we even do retarded shit like talking in weird voices/accents. Try imitating some tecktonic dance or whatever shit. And shuffling at home also.
Yea, but next time when you get a boyfriend... Then you'll confirm spend less time with me already. But it doesn't matter caz... he's not gonna be as cool/awesome as I am. *wink*
OH AND *SIDE NOTE*. Yea, to whatever kind of fuckers trying to spread rumours about her right. You guys better stay the hell away from her and try touching yourselves instead. With your mouths. Since you have no better use for it. Caz she's obviously not even half the slut/bastard/bitch you are. So if you guys know anyone who's doing that ah.. Please tell him/her I said that. thanks. Kay. Good girl ah.
And thenn, it's the FAIRFIELD GANG.
I know I used to be closer to you guys. Hell, I don't even know if you'll read this. But yea, after I graduated from Fairfield. You guys were the only niggers who stuck with me until now. It's really good to have you guys around sometimes, because I know whatever happens right, I'll just meet up with you guys and I'll kinda forget how troubled I am. Because you guys just talk so much cock. It's very very fun.
Marcel... If you read this right. You know you're a focused guy. Although you're motivated for like a short while only, you can accomplish so much. (Like drumming?) I know you'll be successful next time if you work harder. Really hope you find your long-term motivation soon.
Clemence, you're like, the joker. You're always look damn happy. You are so ambitious sometimes, it really makes me wanna look up to you. It's good to know that you're always so clear about what you want for your future. Sometimes I know you feel sad about certain stuff, but you're totally the kind of guy who can rough things out after you set your priorities right.
Robin. I know you kinda have other friends you're probably closer to now. It's good though. We've been friends for like so long already. I always knew you were smart and stuff. Just maybe you get distracted easily. But.... you have to know that you've been a really nice friend. Like Song yang. And song yang, if you're reading this right. Hope you're doing great in Australia. You've been an awesome friend as well.

Kangting should belong to the "Fairfield Gang" category caz he always hangs out with us. He is a very weird guy. He's so weird. He's weirder than me. But the thing about this guy is, he's damn good at imitating Yogi Bear's voice. And he's also a damn funny dude. I've known him since I was like what 3. Or 4. Or 5. Or 6. And yea, he has the craziest ideas. Honestly, he should be taking up like creative jobs or something. Thing about him is... he gets distracted very easily also. But once he wants to work something out, he will. But that's almost never. Hahaha. He's very very fun to talk to. Although he'll find it v awkward when it comes to strangers. Okay but in the end, he's a very very very nice guy. Think he's quite soft-hearted too. Hahah

Nick has always been this very very loyal friend in a way. I know he reads my blog. And I know he's always asking me out, and getting rejected by me. For like a lot of times already. And when he notices something, he'll always ask me what's wrong. And then I'll reply, "no laaaaa. nothing. I so handsome, how to have something wrong." Or something like that. Yea, but I know he's always damn on about stuff. It's funny caz he's always looking out for bad stuff in things/people to point out. And insult them. Although he doesn't really mean it. Yeaaa. Haha.
And then.. Last but not least, Sophia.

So... most of you will actually know who Sop is. Since I'll talk about her whenever someone asks me about my good friends. Because she's someone I really find.. mmmm... Special? Basically, she's someone whom I really trust a lot. And she'll always be the first person I'll wanna confide in. Mainly caz she's a very good listener and she gives good advice. Caz usually I'm not the one who needs advice. But she'll really get to me somehow.
That's probably why soooo many people want to get to know her also and be her good friend etc. Also caz, she's very confident, well.. when she wants to be. People who meet her always feel like she's this super hyper girl who's always bouncing around (literally).
Anyway... I have never met any one who stood by her convictions/values so much. She's really one of a kind. And I really respect her for that, because no matter what she does, she'll always reflect upon her actions and then correct whatever that doesn't seem right. I mean, most of us just conform to the slightest change or totally ignore our surroundings. But yea, she really thinks through her stuff.
Mmm, she's someone who really values friendship a lot also. And she's very very sentimental. So she becomes very soft when it comes to the people she really cares about.
It's also very pleasant to have her around/hang out with her. Like she's someone I feel very comfortable with. Like how we can just sit at some place and just talk for damnnnnnn freaking long. And she's really damn cute sometimes, like her actions etc. And her damn weird laughter that goes like, "hurhurhur hur hurhur" Well... Something like that.
In short she's really a friend that I don't wanna lose. I mean I've been friends with her for like what.. 6 years? (I think?) Yeaaapppzz.
Okay that's about it.. I had no idea I'll be this tired by the end of it. Wooo.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Kangting should belong to the "Fairfield Gang" category caz he always hangs out with us. He is a very weird guy. He's so weird. He's weirder than me. But the thing about this guy is, he's damn good at imitating Yogi Bear's voice. And he's also a damn funny dude. I've known him since I was like what 3. Or 4. Or 5. Or 6. And yea, he has the craziest ideas. Honestly, he should be taking up like creative jobs or something. Thing about him is... he gets distracted very easily also. But once he wants to work something out, he will. But that's almost never. Hahaha. He's very very fun to talk to. Although he'll find it v awkward when it comes to strangers. Okay but in the end, he's a very very very nice guy. Think he's quite soft-hearted too. Hahah
Nick has always been this very very loyal friend in a way. I know he reads my blog. And I know he's always asking me out, and getting rejected by me. For like a lot of times already. And when he notices something, he'll always ask me what's wrong. And then I'll reply, "no laaaaa. nothing. I so handsome, how to have something wrong." Or something like that. Yea, but I know he's always damn on about stuff. It's funny caz he's always looking out for bad stuff in things/people to point out. And insult them. Although he doesn't really mean it. Yeaaa. Haha.
And then.. Last but not least, Sophia.

So... most of you will actually know who Sop is. Since I'll talk about her whenever someone asks me about my good friends. Because she's someone I really find.. mmmm... Special? Basically, she's someone whom I really trust a lot. And she'll always be the first person I'll wanna confide in. Mainly caz she's a very good listener and she gives good advice. Caz usually I'm not the one who needs advice. But she'll really get to me somehow.
That's probably why soooo many people want to get to know her also and be her good friend etc. Also caz, she's very confident, well.. when she wants to be. People who meet her always feel like she's this super hyper girl who's always bouncing around (literally).
Anyway... I have never met any one who stood by her convictions/values so much. She's really one of a kind. And I really respect her for that, because no matter what she does, she'll always reflect upon her actions and then correct whatever that doesn't seem right. I mean, most of us just conform to the slightest change or totally ignore our surroundings. But yea, she really thinks through her stuff.
Mmm, she's someone who really values friendship a lot also. And she's very very sentimental. So she becomes very soft when it comes to the people she really cares about.
It's also very pleasant to have her around/hang out with her. Like she's someone I feel very comfortable with. Like how we can just sit at some place and just talk for damnnnnnn freaking long. And she's really damn cute sometimes, like her actions etc. And her damn weird laughter that goes like, "hurhurhur hur hurhur" Well... Something like that.
In short she's really a friend that I don't wanna lose. I mean I've been friends with her for like what.. 6 years? (I think?) Yeaaapppzz.
Okay that's about it.. I had no idea I'll be this tired by the end of it. Wooo.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTAYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!