Hey guys.
1. I've still got 2 coupons for drinks at the Butter Factory! Woohoo! I think they can still be used next time. Hehe. What a cheapo right? But ah well.. I'm not rich. Unless you wanna buy me drinks inside. :)

2. I've also got some new bruises. AGAIN. Stupid assholes pushing around in clubs. Why don't you do us a favour and get the ferck out. Caz if you ain't come to party GET THE ____ OUT DA CLUB.

3. Community fans unite! I think it's pretty well done for a doodle. Don't you think? No? :( I'm gonna do my very own paper chatterbox soon.
4. I think I've said it before. I hate insects. Especially those that move along random trajectories at high speed. COCKROACHES (flying/non-flying) AND SPIDERS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. So yea, call me a pussy or something but I'm sure most people are afraid of creepy crawlies.
So.. This video actually means a lot to me. I can't possibly rant better than him. BAM < Click that.
It's funny caz a lot of guys are afraid of bugs, but they have to act all manly and stuff. I mean I do that too. Sometimes.
5. I know.... this is already past the 100th post. HAHA. It's funny caz I was supposed to do something extra special. But.. I didn't. Sorry :( I have my reasonsss.
Caz I'm going to the US/Canada soon for 2 weeks. Monday night. Or rather, Tuesday morning. Hahaha. So I'm thinking of recording some nice stuff o'er there. And share it with you guys. I'm not really sure if I'm excited for it... But I hope I can get some nice stuff. It's gon be a loooong flight. Or 2 loong flights. So I better get something to do.
6. OH BEFORE I FORGET. Just found out that Clemence, mah friend, got accepted into SMU. So.. All you funkyzeits that got into Unis, really proud of me guys. And I know you guys are gon' do me proud. Go get all your scholarships and stuff. And when you finally get out in the work force, don't forget your friend. ME.
Make sure you earn more money k. And as I've always said, remember, our friendship's golden. *wink* (Yea, I used this pun before. SO WHAT ASSHOLES)
Oriteyz then. See you guys soon. :)
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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