Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sacred and Profane Is Our Love in Death.

Hello there.

I want to thank all of you for the encouraging messages left in my formspring. I mean after the previous post.

So this was something i found in my Formspring also. "Loads of joys in one day or sipping a little everyday?"

Great question... Why can't it "Loads of joys EVERYDAY"? Then again, that makes it unfair doesn't it.

Life's unfair, so, take it like a man i guess. But anyway. I prefer having small happy stuff happening to me everyday. Instead of having everything my way in a day, and then the next few days turn out like dung. But things don't usually go my way. Which sucks. Because i get a lot of these really happy and lucky days. And then probably for the rest of the month, i end up like this.

(Awwwww.....) Yea, but i'm not as cute.

So yea. That pretty much sums up what i have to say for today..

Just kidding. Don't you guys wanna hear more??!

....... No? Screw you guys.

Okay i failed to imitate RayWilliamJohnson. But anyway, check him out.

Here's HIS link.

He's one funny youtuber. Like seriously, you guys have to watch him. Then all of you can actually see how much this blog influenced by him.

I have one question for you guys, To follow through what you've started, Or, To give up if you think it's not worth continuing?

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Without the Mask, Where Will You Hide?

Hello there,

Evanescence's "Everybody's Fool". That's what's up. I know that came out sometime back. Probably.. 7 years or so. Anyway. Before I talk about that song.

Today's been a pretty shitty day for me. I have no idea why. It's just one of those moments where every minor thing affects you. Some of you may call it PMS. Well, i'm not supposed to have PMS-s but yea, i'll call it a mood swing.

Well, the day started out alright. Things got slightly worse later in the day. And, when i was walking back home. I just started having one of those random "stoning" sessions. Because i realised, that, the stress is starting to pile up. Which makes me go,

Like that. And stepping on mud during my jog made it a lot a lot a lot worse. (Thanks mum for washing my shoes)

And guys, doesn't it bother you when you've hit a low point in your life, and then, it somehow gets better... (miraculously). And you thought, "Hey, maybe things aren't that bad! (: ". When suddenly some pile of shit flies right into your life and smacks you in the face, taking you back down to the low point.

Like that. And the thing is, every time you get your hopes up. You get pwned. Which explains the number of suicidal teens and shit. Because sometimes, you don't know whether it's really worth it. To live, and not just to stay alive. (there is a difference, you know that right?)

Okay... so.. About the song earlier. It's one of my all-time favourites. Because, i think it's one of those songs which actually, have meaning. To me at least. So when i'm sad, i listen to sad songs like this. Or angry songs, which you guys wouldn't wanna hear of.

OR, I would spam happy songs. To try to make myself happy. But seriously, all it takes for me to smile, is just friends or just a simple text from someone that means something to you.

So.... When I'm sad, my forms of escape would be, Music & sleep. I guess that's about it. What's yours?

And my blog's dying. I feel it.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Say What You Will.

Hello there.

Busy weekends... Books & Books & Books & Food & Books.

Remember someone asking me about my favourite hairstyle?

People who know me, will also know that I'm crazy about hair (and by hair, i mean hair on the head). I like nice hairstyles. So, i wouldn't limit myself to one favourite hairstyle. I'm gonna show you a few that i really like!

Well, when my hair was longer, i was trying to go for these hairstyles. (But i had to cut my hair because of ________. @#^$!@#$*!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Anyway, this was what i was aiming for 2 years back. (My Original Hair-Plan!)

Then, i wanted to go for this (this could have been completed!)

And then finally, i would have shaved my hair on one side.

But anyway, for now. (Because my hair is already short,) I would go for these hairstyles. Like the.. Semi-messy-but-you-still-look-funky hair.

Or the semi-retro-but-you-still-look-happy hair. (like most topman models but this guy doesn't seem too happy.)

Yeap. Btw i really like facial hair. Like sideburns and the beardy thing. Guys with facial hair are seriously cool and they should be proud of it... really.

Holy shi-..... Okay maybe not like that. (I know some girls who like that ^ though.)

So... I'm gonna get a haircut soon. If you guys have any funky suggestions of what haircut i should get. You can link it to me in my formspring or twitter or whatever. Your suggestion could possibly be my new haircut. (: OKay ... So see you guys soon!

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Cannot Be Happier.

Hello there.

Someone suggested that i should come up with a youtube channel. Hahaha, won't that make me a vlogger? I'm actually considering it, but i don't think i'll be vlogging. Maybe i'll be uploading some random videos. Or song covers. I'm planning to do one with my sister but i don't know whether she's up for it!

Whoopie! It's amazing how smiling can be so easy. There was something about smiling using less muscles as compared to frowning. But the thing is, can we keep that smile forever?

I hope I can. (:

My friend Marcel just linked me this video. That i thought all of you should see.

Here's the link in case the video doesn't work. ( He is amazing. Almost as amazing as Spiderman. If not, more amazing than Spiderman.

Today's post is a short one. But it's happy at least.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Lose Control.

Hello there.

I'm finally getting responses for my blog. Yay! Thanks for the comment btw.

Okay, i've got this off my Formspring. And it says, "Do u think tis girl has a point on her post too? i do not know if it's related to the flirt post, but i think she is reasonable abt it too. " You guys can check that blog out if you want. It's the Monday, May 17, 2010, 8.29 pm post.

So, i went to blog to see what's it all about. It was just a girl (girl A) telling how she felt towards a guy. So this guy was being an asshole, flirting around and stuff like that. So she said he betrayed her trust (many times).

Now, see guys, if that guy's talking to other girls and tries to woo them. Then it's obviously his fault because he expressed interest in girl A. Now i know how it feels like to be taken for granted, it doesn't feel good (obviously). So i kinda understand what the girl's going through.

We all can tell that girl A really likes this guy a lot. That explains why she's so upset in the first place. But i think it may actually have clouded her thinking (hey, i'm not being mean, i'm trying to be objective here) because when a guy talks to a girl, they could be talking about Star Wars or maybe over schoolwork or something.

Talking to another person of the other gender does not equate to flirting! So yea, maybe the girl should give the guy a chance to explain, or maybe ask him straight if he's flirting.. (i'm just sayin').

So yea.. Once again, i'd like to say, i'm really not a flirt. Because i hardly have any girls to talk to. (Seriously) Thanks for sharing by the way. Let's hope the girl (girl A) solves her problems soon.

Anywayyyyyy, I told you guys i've been running at night right? I'll show you some pics i took with my super awesome phone's 2 megapixel camera.

This shot's like, taken when i was jogging, to West Coast Park. At night, probably about 10 p.m. (look at how i have to give the details to make it more interesting, because i am a boring person)

So this is why I didn't want to share pictures i took with all of you. I mean, i can hardly see anything. That's West Coast Park by the way. The sky was really clear that night.

Soooo I have decided to go jogging in the day for once. See... It's nice. Now imagine it in the dark, with lights. Very nice.

And it was gonna rain so i went back home.

So that's all i can show you. So.... you can leave me anything interesting in my Formspring or Twitter or Facebook. (Preferably something more interesting than my life ---> Anything)

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

But I Can't Feel You Breathing Tonight.

Hello there.

Finally, a very honest opinion popped up in my Formspring. I don't really think it was a hate message. But still, I'm glad to see someone telling me what he/she thinks of me.

Here's the question asked:So it says, "lots of people say you are becoming a flirt by replying every single girl when they msn you. you becoming different and seem to like the attention they give you."

Very very interesting. Well firstly, you have to define "Flirt". Flirting is to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love. ( And i think for someone to pull that off, he must have extremely good looks, eloquence and charisma of some sort. In my opinion, i don't really fit that criteria.

Now, to me, a flirt would be something like,

Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl, or maybe even,

yeap, johnny bravo. Now moving on, "replying every single girl when they msn you". This is weird, because, as i recall, the number of people talking to me on msn can be counted by 2 hands. Of which 3 includes my family members, 4 of my guy friends, and the rest consists of classmates.

So, yea i do reply to every single girl that talks to me on msn, because it's either

1. My sister talking rubbish with me
2. My mum asking me whether i'm having dinner at home
3. Classmates asking me school-related stuff or just normal conversations

Which i think neither of them fall under "flirting".

HOWEVER, you are half-right in saying that I'm "becoming different". Because I'm really trying to change, and stop being so anti-social etc (you can read it from my first post). Well if you see me acting retarded around, it's not because i'm attention seeking but rather, that's just who i am. And i don't really wanna try to maintain some kinda cool.. mysterious.. image thing. You get what i mean?

Yay! At least someone's asking me good questions.. Thanks a lot, whoever you are, for asking the question. At least i have an opportunity to clarify this issue

So during Film Appreciation (my elective module), the tutor made us watch this film called "American Beauty". I've gotta say, it's a pretty good film after hearing the tutor explain certain scenes and how the little things actually mean something huge, like how the camera-work/ make up/ actors actually make a lot of difference. I actually enjoy this module quite a bit. because it allows you to think.

So the movie was filmed in different perspectives of average families and characters etc. And the message it was supposed to bring across was, there's beauty in everything, it just depends on whether you want to find it or not. And i completely agree with that.

Beauty can mean different things to people. Some may define beauty as fashion or sexy girls, some may define beauty as friendships/ relationships, some even think death's beautiful. (Note: I'm reciting what my tutor said. Hahahaha) So... What does beauty mean to you? For me, I think what's beautiful is how life works. Although i don't really know how life works..... But you get the idea.

So.. Share with me?

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Problem Is, I've Finally Found a Reason.

Hello there.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee.. Okay guys. Guess what, another good man just passed away. (Why is it that all the good people are dying?)

That's Dio. He was a singer for a Rock band called Black Sabbath. Some of you might have heard of it. Anyway, yea, he's like. The Obama of Rock. Seriously. He's really really good. It's such a shame he's left us already (he died because of stomach cancer or something). So R.I.P. Dio.

Speaking of which, he sings really really well. Like his voice. Is DAAAMN good. And i'm not kidding. I wish I could sing like him. And i really really wish i could sing. But the thing is, I suck at it. Let's face it, stuff you like to do, may not be stuff you're good at. (Reality just kicked you in the nuts, hard.) Because if I sing, i'd probably end up sounding like this dude...

Yeap. Hitmanbreakeroftheye. You guys should check him out on Youtube if you haven't. He'll make your day. And i'm not saying he's lousy, I think he's pretty gutsy, to sing songs like that on youtube. And lemme guess, none of you would. And i wouldn't. So don't hate him. (And he actually kinda looks like me.......)

Anyway..... I'm not sure if i should do this blog thing daily or on an irregular basis. School kills. And I think there aren't a lot of people reading my blog anyway. If the demand isn't there, then i guess i'll just have to adjust the supply. (Econs rules!)

So guys, what's the thing that you'd love to do, but think you can't pull it off anyway?

Share your responses. I wanna hear you..

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And it's nice to meet you.

Hello there.

It was blood-pumping. It was scary. It was heart-racing. It was mind-blowing. It was exhilarating. It was fun. It was crazy. It was Amazing.

Now, most of you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But some do. But I had some fun doing it. I wouldn't deny that i was hesitating a little. But I'm glad I didn't. I guess i have to thank my classmates for egging me on. And i know.... I looked like this just now.

Sooooo.... I promised you guys I'll share some interesting links when i find one. And i actually have a lot, but i don't wanna bore you guys out. Since most of you are probably not into animals or some other weird geeky things that i like to read up about.

I found this article during my internship, and it's hilarious. But if you're a hardcore fan of love stories by Nicholas Sparks, then don't bother.

The link is HEREEEEE. I hope the link works.

So i hope it makes you laugh. And makes you a bit happier if you're feeling shitty now.

BTW, i saw this article (the dissing-nicholas-sparks one) on the local magazine, 8 Days? And i was quite disappointed with them. I mean, it's like they completely ripped it off Cracked. And the thing is, Cracked had that article first. Seriously.

Anyway.... I have links to other people's blogs. Yay! I know how to re-link stuff now. So, since my classmate Celestine has placed me under her cool kids section (woohoo), i'm gonna give you guys the chance to check out her blog. And i just realised sylvia also did the same. HAhaHA. okay. so sylvia's up there too. They're in the sidebar. Somewhere... Up there, below my
Contact section. So if you guys want your blogs up there, link it to me. And we'll see how it goes. I mean I'll put it up there if it's not super explicit content or something.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Turn Up the Night!

Hello there.

I know it's a very very stressful period for a lot of you guys (those in the polytechnics), especially when you're in the 3rd year. Because... There are a lot of projects to complete.
Well, I feel it too but then again, we have no choice. Right? ( I WANT MY CHOICE!!!!!)

So... I've got this off my sister,

I know how all of you girls will probably go, "O.M.G. So true..." And i hate to spoil the mood, but, I totally disagree with that. I mean, this is a completely one-sided "argument". And it was probably written by a girl. I'm just saying that not all boys are like that. Girls like to say, "Good men are hard to find." But guess what? Good women are hard to find too.

I've seen my fair share of good guys. I know many of them who get rejected just because they're not good looking etc. etc. Well, I'm sure there still are very good people out there, so don't go killing yourself just because some asshole hurt you, and don't stereotype. Okay? (Well all these apply to guys as well, just to make sure i'm being fair).

Now i agree that more guys tend to be "cold-blooded". But it's probably only because we were born more stubborn (i guess?).
And i know of many girls who think they're "pathetic" because they like/love another guy so much, they're willing to do anything for him, ANYTHING. I really really don't understand why they think they're pathetic? Do you people think they're pathetic?? I don't think so. I think it's great that you're able to love someone that much. You're not pathetic, you're just waiting for someone to appreciate you. And i'm sure that guy does, and probably doesn't know how to express it. OKAY!? No one's pathetic in love. I've heard of a quote, something that goes like, "love in a relationship doesn't hurt. it's the lack of love that hurts." or somewhere along those lines. But i don't know why i'm sharing this quote, because it doesn't really have any link to what i was saying. But i mean.. come on, your parents won't call themselves pathetic for loving you so much.

Soo... Let's get off the topic for now. As i was saying, school work's killing me. Which makes me very very sleepy. Everyday. So i fall asleep everywhere. Even in my dad's car. And when i was sleeping, i dreamt of.........

No kidding. And when i woke up, i found myself drooling. I RARELY drool. Really. I swear. But.. it was weird. Anyway. That got me thinking a little.... What if some other person from another car caught me salivating all over during my sleep. Will he/she laugh at me? I mean it's pretty embarrassing. Don't you think sometimes just sleeping all the way through will do you more good, since you wouldn't know if anyone's doing anything to you during that period.?

Well this applies to everything, don't you think. Sometimes isn't ignorance the best thing ever? Like, wishing you've never found out something. because it either a.) Screws you up or b.)makes you so embarrassed you wished you were never born. Call me a coward, but i think everyone needs an escape every once in a while.

So what do you think? Are those girls "pathetic"/great? Are you a coward or not?

Btw, a quick shout-out to SOPHIA LIM for partially inspiring this post. Seriously...

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Unless We Bust a Massive Monster Mamojam!

Hello there.

WAZZZUPPPP. yeap. That's what's up. So lately, there's been a lot of craze (Maybe I'm a little slow..) over this annoying orange. I don't know about you. But this guy doesn't really annoy me. He's funny. Come on.

So... I've received a question on my formspring. Which i thought I could talk about.

And you guys probably can't see it again... It says, "Tell me about something you would happily do again?" Wow. Thank you... Whoever asked it.

So.. This question's some funny stuff. Because it's actually quite tricky. If it didn't have the word "again". I might actually have an answer to it. Now i'm assuming that this question's asking for something i did which i feel REALLY happy about. And as i'm looking back. There's probably nothing which i would happily do again. Because I've been regretting most of the stuff i've done ever since... i was born? Maybe not so far back. But you get the idea.

But... I would happily live my life (if i could) like these dudes.

Yea. That's Tenacious D, a band. (Jack Black on the right, Kyle Gass on the left, and yes, Jack Black has a band). Although they probably worked their ass off to get to where they are right now, but in their music videos and movie, they always act like couch potatoes/douchebags. Just rocking out whenever they want to, do nonsense whenever they want to. It's cool. Because they're probably happy slacking their lives away.

I'm sure this is what most of us wish for. Living your life without worries. But in reality, the truth is like a sucker punch to your face. Sometimes, you get loads of shit slapped at you. And there's nothing you can do about it. (I'm powerless..... Shit happens..) Or at least, that's how i feel.

So guys, What would you happily do again?

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!

Monday, May 10, 2010

No Silver Lining On the Cloud That Covers You.

Hello there

I know my posts are inconsistent...... It's because i'm freaking lazy. So.. For these few days, I've been going around, with my friends and family. So, last thursday, i was at ....

Yea. The thing is I really dislike the design of the hotels there. I mean.. Look. It looks like a budget hotel/ apartments in Malaysia. Yea. Very weird... Which part of it looks like it's a world class resort with a Universal Studios theme park.

Not to mention, the entrance to the casino really really really looks very un-classy. It looks like something you'll see in Genting? Yea. But then again, it's just my opinion.

However, I have to admit that there were pretty rad stuff in the hotels. Like all the technology and the "stairway to heaven" thing. You have to take those escalators! They're somewhere in near the casino. Like it links the casino to the hotel areas. They play the kind of music which makes you feel like you've just won a war in the ancient times. Very very amusing.

So my family and I just wandered around.... And we took the skyride. And i kept saying Hi to random people who were taking the skyride as well. I have the video! But it's gonna need some editing if i want to post it up.

And then on Friday, I went to Amoy Street, with my classmates. I never knew Vietnamese food tasted quite good. It was this restaurant called Pho 99. It's quite affordable. And they serve weird coffee, which looks like this.

Hi darren in the background.
Yess... The coffee's like daaaaaaaaaamn thick. Unique food experience though. I'd recommend the pork/beef macaroni. And.. I don't really know the exact address, but it's somewhere near a hawker centre, it's along amoy street and it's near tanjong pagar mrt.

And yessss I watched Ip Man 2 twice............................. First was with my classmates then my family. So I didn't find it as good as the first one. But i still enjoyed watching it, BECAUSE donnie yen pwns more ass than jackie chan. Like he's really good and he's quite handsome. Well, the thing is the real Ip Man isn't all as glorious or heroic like it was portrayed in the movies. Like he was an opium addict supposedly. Which sucks because, I know quite a few of us felt the Asian Pride at the end of the show. If you've watched it already, that is.. Well I got these facts from some straits times article.

Finally, I've received some feedback about my blog. Yay. One of them says that my blog's background is not that well done because my characters are blocked. I KNOW! But I'm a blog noob. So if you guys wanna come help me out with my blog, I really don't mind. And sorry, still no comics yet.

AND if any of you want me to read/publicize your blog or maybe introduce us to a blog/article. Just leave it at my formspring. I will find time to read them. Seriously. So..... That's all. Yea that's all.

I don't own the Ip Man picture. It's from Google. And I'm quite surprised at my phone's camera. Like seeee the above pictures! Like wow. For a 2 megapixel thing.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


She's angry. Are you?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In This River.

Hello there.
The stars are shining very brightly tonight. Plus, the sky's clear. Very nice... i love them.

So.... I've got this question from my formspring. So I'd like to thank this person for contributing. Whoever He/She is.
I wanted to blog about this. Really fun question. It says, "What's your favourite hairstyle so far? :)" And i was already looking for pictures to show you guys. But i decided to do this post another time. Why??

Explanation: Have you guys ever wondered, when there're break-ups you feel sad, when you get cut you feel pain. Nobody likes those feelings, but do you appreciate them? Because I do. I mean i don't like them too. But.. you get the point, or you will get the point soon. Remember in my first post I told you guys I subscribed to a lot of youtubers? Yea, remember one of the guys was Shane Dawson? I really like him, because, he's funny and he relates to the teenagers quite a bit.

So you see. His grandmother just passed away. And.. I feel very sad? I know most of you think it's weird. But somehow, i get affected by people's deaths. A lot. Like recently, a girl named Melissa Toh died also right? I didn't know her. But i felt sad also. You guys probably never thought i'd be such a guy. But yea.

So here's the vid he posted for his grandmum. He took videos of her in the hospital also, but it's his other channel. I don't know if you'll feel the same way as i did. But here goes..

Yeap. So, here's the link if the video didn't work. (

Which brings me to the point now.. I know a lot of people have blogged about what i'll be talking about. But i'm just gonna say it again. It's time to start appreciating. And i mean appreciating everything. Even the pain you feel. Because you wouldn't know if you're still gonna feel it again tomorrow.Right? Life's just unpredictable. I know we'll all start taking things for granted again after a while. I mean it's perfectly normal, because we are ALL humans. But just keep reminding yourself. K?

So i'd like to take this chance. To say THANK YOU. to everybody that has been nice and mean to me. Especially my family, friends and classmates. And people who have been there for me. You guys know who you are. Because i probably can't say this to all of you face to face.

That's Shane's grandma a month ago just before she passed away. RIP Grandma Dawson. We all love you.

And a big apology to the people who were waiting for me to upload my comics. I haven't been very free lately. And i'm still looking for a way to upload it with like the best quality. And it's not very well done. So don't expect tooo much. Thaankkksss.

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Night skies but no night furies.

Hello there.

Just a few things to clarify.. I Didn't make a mistake in my previous post................................ Sheeskimbah thinks Kite is a guy/male/boy. Okay soo..

So some people have been asking, "Your childhood must have been pretty lousy, since you're so childish now".

Explanation: Yes. I am damn freaking childish. I know. I mean which 19 year-old man has his own comic fantasies and shit? HAhahaha. (Btw, i liked How to Train Your Dragon, which explains the title.) BUT... I do have my own personal time, to think about stuff. You know. Most of you guys call it "Stoning".

Don't you guys just love the night sky. I LOVE IT. Like really. I like how the stars look so small and bright. And how the clouds surround them, like cushions. And there's the moon... Just hung up high like a huge pancake (seriously?). And then there are the UFOs.. Wait.. What?

Explanation: Okay. That was lame. But all i wanted to say is... I was jogging through West Coast Park just now. And there were a lottttt of people flying these kites, with lights. like shiny lights. I took a picture with my phone, i'm not gonna share it with you guys because you guys probably can't see anything in the pictures anyway. Because my phone's camera sucks! Yea... So I just like walking/running alone at night. But if you guys wanna join me. Just text me. Or something. We can work something out.

"Holy shi-, Jiawei, You're exercising!"

Explanation: Yes I have been exercising. Because exercising is healthy. And i haven't been healthy for sooo long. Even mentally. That.... doesn't make me a psychopath... Right?? Or does it... Okay soo yea really if any of you wants to go for night jogs at West Coast Park. CALL ME UP. I'll try to run with you. But i suck at running. For now.

And who knows, I may kinda look like this in the future.

Just maybe. BRUCE LEEEEEEEEE. Gotta love him. Yea. Okay soo...

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!

(P.S. you can always share with me your favourite jogging sites. Or what you do when you're bored. Like me, I'll play my guitar or just watch the sky. )

Sunday, May 2, 2010

HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there.

This is my very first post ever. I know it’s weird that I’m setting up a blog, especially for guys who’ve known me since way back. I ALWAYS dissed people who had blogs, and I’ve always thought it was a waste of time (karma bites).. Until I realized that I had to do something with my life. This goes waaaay back, I don’t really wanna talk about it (lest you guys think I'm corny) except, you guys just have to know I was wasting a lot of time.

So… This blog started for a few reasons:

1. Sharing random shit with all of you guys
2. Networking/ It could help my final school project
3. Self-improvement?
4. Making new friends
5. Any more reasons you can think of.

Many people asked, “Hey, since you’re such a loner. What do you do at home?”

Explanation: I am a huge fan of youtubers, like Shane Dawson, Ray William Johnson, Peter Chao, Kassem G, Meekakitty and yea a few more. (They’re really funny people. So you guys should search them up.) That probably explains the way I run this blog. So if you guys have any new/crazy stuff you want me to try out, like.. Eating tissue paper, or driving with my eyes closed, or maybe even something interesting you’ve come across and would like to share it. Leave your comments/suggestions/ etc. in my Formspring or Facebook. It could be the next thing I’ll blog about.

That brings me to the next point of comics. Okay.. Unrelated, but… You guys are probably going to ask, “So what’s with this Sheeskimbah/Kite?”

Explanation: I’d start by giving a huge shout out to my cousin’s cousin, Kt. He’s a really cool guy. So one day he was telling me a story, about some tribal/Eskimo-ish prince named Sheeskimbah. Well it’s his story, and I thought it was hilarious. So.. Yea I’ve decided to build a character for Sheeskimbah. And Kite is basically a random thought, because I passed by the Marina Barrage and saw like 500 kites in the sky. So Kite (pronounced as Kit) is a girl, and Sheeskimbah thinks she’s an annoying guy. Yea. I’ll put up some comic strips which I’ve been drawing. Hopefully, they’ll express the stories correctly.

Probably a few of you are already thinking, “Damn, this blog sucks. Layout sucks. Drawing sucks. English sucks. Everything sucks. Lousy rip-off of youtubers. This is gay.”

Explanation: I still welcome you guys to my blog. Like seriously. That’s what self-improvement’s all about. So if you guys think I have to change in a certain way, or do something to spice up this blog. Leave me a comment. Thhaaannkss.

Wait there’s more... this blog’s not really gonna cover a lot of personal stuff. Don’t be disappointed though. I may talk about my own stuff once in a while.

Finally, I’d like to thank my sister, and marcel and kt and whoever I didn’t name, for helping me out with this blog, although..they didn’t really help. And thank you for reading this. And sorry for this looonnggg post, and I appreciate that a few people showed interest in this blog, like Nick and my classmates!

Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And I'm not unfriendly! So if you wanna say hi or whatever, just say hi. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!

(P.S. I have jeans to give away (because I’m growing fatter)!!!!!! They’re skinnies and not only emo guys wear skinnies. But I don’t wanna throw them away.. I wanna see people wear them just because I’m a psycho.......... Just kidding. But I want to give them away!)