Hello there.
Finally, a very honest opinion popped up in my
Formspring. I don't really think it was a hate message. But still, I'm glad to see someone telling me what he/she thinks of me.
Here's the question asked:

So it says, "lots of people say you are becoming a flirt by replying every single girl when they msn you. you becoming different and seem to like the attention they give you."
Very very interesting. Well firstly, you have to define "Flirt". Flirting is to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love. (Dictionary.com). And i think for someone to pull that off, he must have extremely good looks, eloquence and charisma of some sort. In my opinion, i don't really fit that criteria.
Now, to me, a flirt would be something like,

Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl, or maybe even,

yeap, johnny bravo. Now moving on, "replying every single girl when they msn you". This is weird, because, as i recall, the number of people talking to me on msn can be counted by 2 hands. Of which 3 includes my family members, 4 of my guy friends, and the rest consists of classmates.
So, yea i do reply to every single girl that talks to me on msn, because it's either
1. My sister talking rubbish with me
2. My mum asking me whether i'm having dinner at home
3. Classmates asking me school-related stuff or just normal conversations
Which i think neither of them fall under "flirting".
HOWEVER, you are half-right in saying that I'm "becoming different". Because I'm really trying to change, and stop being so anti-social etc (you can read it from my first post). Well if you see me acting retarded around, it's not because i'm attention seeking but rather, that's just who i am. And i don't really wanna try to maintain some kinda cool.. mysterious.. image thing. You get what i mean?
Yay! At least someone's asking me good questions.. Thanks a lot, whoever you are, for asking the question. At least i have an opportunity to clarify this issue
So during Film Appreciation (my elective module), the tutor made us watch this film called "American Beauty". I've gotta say, it's a pretty good film after hearing the tutor explain certain scenes and how the little things actually mean something huge, like how the camera-work/ make up/ actors actually make a lot of difference. I actually enjoy this module quite a bit. because it allows you to think.
So the movie was filmed in different perspectives of average families and characters etc. And the message it was supposed to bring across was, there's beauty in everything, it just depends on whether you want to find it or not. And i completely agree with that.
Beauty can mean different things to people. Some may define beauty as fashion or sexy girls, some may define beauty as friendships/ relationships, some even think death's beautiful. (Note: I'm reciting what my tutor said. Hahahaha) So... What does beauty mean to you? For me, I think what's beautiful is how life works. Although i don't really know how life works..... But you get the idea.
So.. Share with me?
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