I'm finally getting responses for my blog. Yay! Thanks for the comment btw.

Okay, i've got this off my Formspring. And it says, "Do u think tis girl has a point on her post too? i do not know if it's related to the flirt post, but i think she is reasonable abt it too. http://www.jessbreakheads.blogspot.com/ " You guys can check that blog out if you want. It's the Monday, May 17, 2010, 8.29 pm post.
So, i went to blog to see what's it all about. It was just a girl (girl A) telling how she felt towards a guy. So this guy was being an asshole, flirting around and stuff like that. So she said he betrayed her trust (many times).
Now, see guys, if that guy's talking to other girls and tries to woo them. Then it's obviously his fault because he expressed interest in girl A. Now i know how it feels like to be taken for granted, it doesn't feel good (obviously). So i kinda understand what the girl's going through.
We all can tell that girl A really likes this guy a lot. That explains why she's so upset in the first place. But i think it may actually have clouded her thinking (hey, i'm not being mean, i'm trying to be objective here) because when a guy talks to a girl, they could be talking about Star Wars or maybe over schoolwork or something.
Talking to another person of the other gender does not equate to flirting! So yea, maybe the girl should give the guy a chance to explain, or maybe ask him straight if he's flirting.. (i'm just sayin').
So yea.. Once again, i'd like to say, i'm really not a flirt. Because i hardly have any girls to talk to. (Seriously) Thanks for sharing by the way. Let's hope the girl (girl A) solves her problems soon.
Anywayyyyyy, I told you guys i've been running at night right? I'll show you some pics i took with my super awesome phone's 2 megapixel camera.

This shot's like, taken when i was jogging, to West Coast Park. At night, probably about 10 p.m. (look at how i have to give the details to make it more interesting, because i am a boring person)

So this is why I didn't want to share pictures i took with all of you. I mean, i can hardly see anything. That's West Coast Park by the way. The sky was really clear that night.
Soooo I have decided to go jogging in the day for once. See... It's nice. Now imagine it in the dark, with lights. Very nice.

And it was gonna rain so i went back home.
So that's all i can show you. So.... you can leave me anything interesting in my Formspring or Twitter or Facebook. (Preferably something more interesting than my life ---> Anything)
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT>!
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