The stars are shining very brightly tonight. Plus, the sky's clear. Very nice... i love them.
So.... I've got this question from my formspring. So I'd like to thank this person for contributing. Whoever He/She is.

Explanation: Have you guys ever wondered, when there're break-ups you feel sad, when you get cut you feel pain. Nobody likes those feelings, but do you appreciate them? Because I do. I mean i don't like them too. But.. you get the point, or you will get the point soon. Remember in my first post I told you guys I subscribed to a lot of youtubers? Yea, remember one of the guys was Shane Dawson? I really like him, because, he's funny and he relates to the teenagers quite a bit.
So you see. His grandmother just passed away. And.. I feel very sad? I know most of you think it's weird. But somehow, i get affected by people's deaths. A lot. Like recently, a girl named Melissa Toh died also right? I didn't know her. But i felt sad also. You guys probably never thought i'd be such a guy. But yea.
So here's the vid he posted for his grandmum. He took videos of her in the hospital also, but it's his other channel. I don't know if you'll feel the same way as i did. But here goes..
Yeap. So, here's the link if the video didn't work. (
Which brings me to the point now.. I know a lot of people have blogged about what i'll be talking about. But i'm just gonna say it again. It's time to start appreciating. And i mean appreciating everything. Even the pain you feel. Because you wouldn't know if you're still gonna feel it again tomorrow.Right? Life's just unpredictable. I know we'll all start taking things for granted again after a while. I mean it's perfectly normal, because we are ALL humans. But just keep reminding yourself. K?
So i'd like to take this chance. To say THANK YOU. to everybody that has been nice and mean to me. Especially my family, friends and classmates. And people who have been there for me. You guys know who you are. Because i probably can't say this to all of you face to face.
That's Shane's grandma a month ago just before she passed away. RIP Grandma Dawson. We all love you.
And a big apology to the people who were waiting for me to upload my comics. I haven't been very free lately. And i'm still looking for a way to upload it with like the best quality. And it's not very well done. So don't expect tooo much. Thaankkksss.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook. JUST DO IT>!
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