Heeeyyy guys. Whazzzuuuppppbi. I'm not sure if you've heard about this guy on Youtube. His name is Fred. Click on his name <<< to check him out.

What an annoying-gay-faggish-homosexual-retarded kid right.....? If you said, "YES, I HATE THAT HOMO KID. I WANNA PANTS HIM AND KICK HIS ASS WITH MAH FACE", then... screw your shit. (Oh yeaa~, I can come up with nastier things to say. But I'll just leave it as that.)
You've got that right. We're gonna be talking about Haters today.
So you've seen people like,

If you thought my insult was nasty, check out what people say to him on Youtube.

So, what's with the hating man? I mean, I'm not a fan of Bieber. There's no reason to ADOREEEE him. But seriously? Creating Facebook groups sayin' "Don't hate Justin Bieber! She has feelings" or something, isn't very nice. People who joined them, you guys should be..... ashamed of yourself. (Yea that's the best I could come up with.) But still, liking someone is better than hating his/her guts. I mean even for Fred, it's the same case.
Just because they have their ways of making money and getting popular, it doesn't mean you have to HATE on them as if they raped and killed your family and wife.... Or husband...... Or gay partner. You're probably just jealous of them or something. Get a life, and do something productive, caz you probably can't do better.
It's natural for us to get upset. After all, we're just normal people. It's the same for Bieber/Fred/anyone you guys hate. Imagine going onto youtube and staring at 50 million comments directed at you, like, "DIE HOMOOOOOOOOO!" Or "DIE FAG!", it would kill me. (Okay maybe it won't, but it'll make me upset for a while. A looooonnnggg while.)
Just like Hater No. 1, remember that, guys? (Click HERE if you don't)
It was probably a few months back, but, he/she hasn't got back to me yet. Why? Because he/she probably couldn't find a reason to tell me when he/she hated me. Hater No. 1, if you're out there. You should... be ashamed of yourself too. (Just sayin')
Look, reality check here. Hating someone behind the computer doesn't make you some kind of war hero. And it certainly won't get the person you hate to stop whatever he/she's doing. Face it, if you hate him/her, there are probably 500 other people who likes him/her.
In fact, all that comes to my head when I think of haters is,
Just saying. Don't get all offended now. You deserved that "hate" from me for hating stuff or people. Well, if you hate bad stuff like war and anything else that is not good at all. Then you're fine. Because I hate bad stuff too.
Okay guys, I'm gonna go. Don't hate people without a good reason! And don't be nasty kay? Stay nice. Verrryyy nice.
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