Waaazzuppp guys. I was about to go off to sleep. When I decided to check my formspring, (although i thought it was dead, apparently it isn't!) and I found some questions/comments!!!So, I got very excited. And I've decided to answer them NOW.
Sooo, I found my very first HATER! YESSSSSSSSSSSSss. When I first started out my blog, I promised myself that if i ever get a hater one day, I'll reserve a blogpost for him/her. I know it's really weird because people usually ignore haters. But I think they should be given a chance, y'know. To explain.
So hereeee goes.

I may be wrong, but, it may have been the same person? I mean, look at the timings, 34/33 minutes ago. Then, came the fatality.

Look, Hater No. 1, I don't know if all these comments were from you. But, what's up with the contradicting statements?
Okay, but there must be a reason for the hating. Well, you can always tell me why you want me to die. And you should explain it well. Avoid giving the usual answers like, "because you're such a M*****F***ing b*t**, I would totally pwn your assh*** and shove sticks down your *****"
Okay? I mean, I would seriously love to hear what I need to change. Be it, my character, my hair, my tight pants... Whatever. Just tell me first, and then you can continue hating me. Okay? (: No hard feelings, I promise.
Anywayyyyyy, there were more questions like.

Well, ideal girl as in.. Girlfriend material? I guess, she doesn't have to be pretty (my friends know this best), as long as I like her and she appreciates me (and likes me too, obviously), then yea, that's all I'm looking for. Yay!

Okay guys, that's all for today. Hater No. 1. Don't forget to leave me a response. (Or if the comments were from others, then i apologize, But..) I'll be waiting. I mean, the rest of you guys can to do it too!
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
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