Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Random Post #4
1. The more I look at my blog's background. It's like, I'm being mindf-ed by my own drawing. How's that possible? Don't believe me? You try it.
2. Did you know that the fear of mirrors is called Eisoptrophobia? I know.. Right? I mean how do people even come up with names like that? It's like, as long as it sounds complicated and Greek-ish, people accept it as a scientific name. Antexyphiliacronahphobia. No idea what's that? Hell yea, I just made it up. It means fear of scratching your back and tongue simultaneously. (Uh-huh, gimme five)
3. If you haven't watched "Let Me In". You should totally watch it. Because Chloe Moretz stars in it. And if you're more of the high octane action blockbuster kind. Then don't watch it. If you're a romance kind. Don't watch it also. If you're looking for a good movie. Then yea, you should watch it.
4. I can smile to cameras now.
5. Okay this one will totally freak you guys one. (I just recalled it) DID YOU KNOW. That all cows face only 1 direction when they graze. (which is the North) !?!??!!? (Waiiiittttt, have I already told you guys this before?) I mean seriously! Notice how they do everything in unison, like even their "moo-s" sound equally monotonous!?
Freaky right? I have only one theory for this. There's gonna be an evil army of doom. That's right. Of cows. Trust me. When I say they're evil. THEY ARE EVIL.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I Mostly Copy Other People.
Remember my previous post about trannies? I just recalled something totally unrelated to that.
People ask me, "since you like angmoh-s sooo much, why don't you have an English name?"
Hell yea I want one. I just haven't found the right one.
Then I have friends giving me suggestions. Some good. Some weird.
(So far I've got Mickey, Eden, Zachary, Paul, Nicholas etc etc.)
So today I have finally gathered a few names that I found/others suggested, which, I think, will make an awesome English name for me. Well, for certain reasons.
Number 1. Dean.
Thing is, I watch Supernatural. So Dean is obviously one of the main characters, (the better looking one at that) and yea, it gives me that masculine kinda feel. Y'know. And it's kinda weird why "dean supernatural shirtless" pops up as a suggestion in the Google search bar when I'm searching for his picture.
Numero dos. Micah

Now I'm not too sure about the origins of this name. But it sounds like a, sexy-latino-spanish-whatever kinda name. And also the boy above acted in Heroes as Micah. I mean, I know right. It's a cute name too. Y'know what the best part is? It's like a unisex name. Awesome?
Nimemo Twa. Frank
The reason why I like Frank is caz it gives off this really really mature vibe. I like mature. And it has only 1 syllable. Which makes it soooo easy to introduce yourself. Like, "Hi I'm Frank." I mean, it's so much better than, "Hi, I'm Jiawei." This is when all the non-chinese (or sometimes chinese) people go, "Sorry, you're?" "Ji-ah-way" "Oh.. Hi jayway."
Število štiri. Travis
Because it sounds cool and I don't know anyone named Travis (except for that AWESOME blink-182 guy). But downside is, people'll start thinking I'm like some kinda act cool dude or something. But seriously. Travis is a really nice name. I mean it sounds nice.
Númer fimm. Brent
Whenever this name comes to my head. I get reminded, of a geek, who turns cool. I have no idea why. And it has also only 1 syllable. "HEY BRENT, COME HERE" "Waassup man Brent?" "YO BRENT" So easy to call out for him right? You get it? Uh huh.
Nummer sechs. Payton
Payton, Payton, Payton. First thing that comes to my head. Cute boy with huge glasses. I like it.
So yea, that's about it. Can't really decide which one though. Suggestions?
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Foamy Spittle.
What's up guys. My life has just flat-lined again. So much so that, it'd actually be good if it was literal. Nah just kidding.
Past few days have been, boring. I've been stoning at home.
Well, I went out with a few of my friends. And, we had pretty interesting discussions. So I was asking them a few questions. Some that will really make you think. One of them went something like this.
This applies to guys only. So for girlsss, you can either imagine yourself as a guy or just change the sexes accordingly.
Picture this. You're at this club/pub/starbucks and you meet this girl. The thing about this girl is, that she's hot, sophisticated, smart, sensitive, everything that you could ask for. So both of you chatted up. And you find her really nice so you guys went out a few times. And you guys maybe held hands/hugged/kissed.
And then one day, in a v v v serious tone, she tells you, "Hey...... I used to be a dude."
I mean, your initial reaction might be, "!?!?!" or like, "ohhhh-kay....." or even like "YAW DUED WHAT TEH F-". But honestly, like really really really HONESTLY, from the bottomest bottom of your heart. What will you do? Continue to date her/him/whatever appropriate term OR will you ditch the person?
For me, I've told all my friends I'd actually consider continue dating her. I mean as long as she doesn't have a penis and her balls. So farrrrr, most of my homophobic friends disagreed with me and said they'll ditch her/him. And only ONE said he might do the same as me. (Won't be saying names here, it might get sensitive)
But yea, I mean, it's pretty cruel to let someone down like that right? I mean she might have thought someone would finally understand and accept her for who she is. But with all due respect, I know how some guys really find it impossible to continue a relationship like that.
So in case you guys were wondering where I got that lame idea from, it's from this video >> CLICK ME. I'm sure most of you have already watched it.
That's all for now. See yaz.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pathetic, Ordinary
I've been away for a while. For the most obvious reasons.
I have some news to share today. My results for this sem.

You may be thinking, "Holy shi- Jiawei omg, friggin' amazing!"

And now you're like, "Oh.....kayy.... maybe not so."
So that sums up my poly life guys. Weak GPA of 3.299. Caz last thing I heard, to get into NUS or NTU or SMU for the BA course, you need to have at least like what, 3.7/3.8? Good job Jiawei. Really.
Don't get me wrong guys. I know my results are average. And some of you might think I'm cocky or whatever. But I'm not. You guys may have plans for the different direction you're gonna take. I just know that tons of people did way better than me. And I'm not even gonna be a competition to them when it comes to entering the Unis.
Lemme see where I went wrong, ohkaayyy... lemme find it.

Douchebag of the century. Dude... You have no idea, how much, I wanna go back 2 years before, to beat the living cowface out of you. Caz, now, right now. You have nowhere to go. You didn't plan for shit. Hell, your "just see how stuff goes" mindset got you into a pile of horseshit. Yea, I'd rip your eyeliner off your face. Tear your painted nails off your fingers and drill them into your tight pants.
I just spent the day watching 1 whole season of How I Met Your Mother. I just.... didn't feel like doing anything else. I really felt like running. But, I'm sick. So yea.
Here's what I'm gonna do. Starting next week. I'm gonna set some goals.
1. I'm gonna find a nice Coffee Bean/ Starbucks
2. I'm gonna apply for ANY possible cause in ANY local Uni
3. I'm gonna find out about the SATs stuff
4. I'm gonna study the shit out of the SATs stuff
That's it. For the next week. But for now. This week. I just wanna party my heart out. My lungs and my liver and kidneys. I need this... MEGA party. I need to swing my friggin' arms. And cheer. I wanna go somewhere, play the guitar with someone. I wanna get arrested for public urination. (just kidding. HIMYM joke. And screw you guys, I know I'm slow. Only finished season 1.)
So yea. Anyone of you interested in doing SATs. Pleaaasee. Let me know. I don't wanna do this alone.
Side note:
I know, how much I've been saying about, how people get hurt so easily. How people should take control of their lives and emotions. I know I call people weak. Some people see me as this, unbreakable dude. Void of emotions. People ask me, "why're you like that?" The thing is, I know. I know they're not the weak ones. And guess what, I've been the weak one all along. So all these, strong fronts I've been putting up. It's already a habit. Because I've found that, I'll never. NEVER be able to show anyone how vulnerable I really am. That's just me. Caz once someone does, he/she gets into my very fucking bones and then he/she's gonna start taking them out. One. By one. And I'll never be able to stop that from happening.
So someone once told me (and I really don't remember where/when), there's a difference between a person with a huge ego and a true leader. (by leader, I mean, in like anything.) A person with a huge ego puts people down, disses them, demoralizes them, in order to make himself feel better. Truth is, he's probably not even at their levels. A true leader, takes everyone waaaaaaaaaaay up even if it means allowing another person to overtake him.
Yea. I guess. I've always been the huge egoist I never wanted to be. Really sorry.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Harder Than You Know.
Y'know. I've always thought I was a lot of things. Committed, Soft-hearted. Anything you can think of in a perfect boyfriend. But that was my first mistake. I have a fucking huge ego and I'm fairly narcissistic.
Today I proved myself wrong. I broke up with my girlfriend. It's possibly, one of the worst decisions ever. Because, I broke someone's heart. Someone who gladly let me have everything my way. Well.. most of it. But the thing is, she appreciated me.
So now you ask me, what the fuck happened? Because all my life, I just wanted someone who is appreciative. Now that's she's here, I'm letting her go. Reason's simple, I don't even need haters to start flaming me, I'm a huge-ass jerk.
I'm not just that. Some might even call me a bastard. Y'know what, it's true. Main point is, I thought I was ready for something. Something called commitment. I was wrong. In fact, what makes me the epitome of douche-baggery and bad boyfriend-ness is my lack of patience. I'm incapable of constant re-assurance.
I've heard people say stuff, about, how she doesn't deserve me. And that, she's not good enough. You guys are fucking wrong. It's the complete opposite. Because I'm the unworthy one. And then some of you tell me, "Yejing's very very unlucky to get you as her first boyfriend." I have to agree with you.
If you've seen the way I treat her, the stuff I say sometimes, some of you might just flip. And maybe even beat me up.
The reason why I made the decision, was because, I was afraid. I was scared of making the same mistake like I did in the past. I didn't want her to fall deeper into it, giving her false hopes and still crushing it in the end. You can say that I'm not confident of changing myself for her.
I'm really sad caz I know how much she's willing to do for me. Just to please me. And here I am acting like some kinda kid. I just thought maybe it'd be better to end it now, since it might be worse in the future.
The next few days or weeks are probably gonna be sad. Really sad. I don't even dare look through my facebook page or my drawers, just in case y'know, I get all emotional and stuff. I have to warn people who're meeting me. Because I might just break down. And it's not a nice sight.
So for those of you who are here because you care. Thanks a lot. Save the nice comments like, "it's gonna be okay. you can find someone better." I don't deserve it. Yejing does. And for those of you who are here because you're just nosy. Here's what you can do. Fuck off.
I'm sorry. I really am. I'd throw in a sea of vocab to show you how sorry I am.
Monday, March 14, 2011
When the Levee Breaks.
Heyyy, what's up guys. So I went through my formspring, and I just saw a question that I completely missed. Since, well, 2 months ago. Well, to the person who asked that, really really sorry.
Well here it is now,

1. Table Mountain, Capetown, South Africa. - I've been to South Africa a few years back. And I still remember most of it. Table Mountain was.... spectacular. Well not only caz it looks like a table. But the view is really beautiful when the clouds settle on top of the mountain. Like a table cloth. Which looks something like this.

Well I got lucky because I got to see the clouds and stuff. They said it's quite a rare view. But ah.. whatever.
2. Superstar Virgo - I think it's still in Singapore. I can't say much for it but, I used to go there pretty often when I was a kid. And it brings a lot of memories back. So it's not so much for the activities there or anything. But yea. I remembered when I was like 11/12? I was hiding in the balcony at night. And it was pitch black. Couldn't see the horizon or anything. Then there was this flash of lightning, a forked lightning to be exact, right at the end of the darkness. It was so awesome. Won't ever forget it. So yeap. Go there have some fun over the weekends or something.
3. West Coast Park - Haha you can't blame me for being biased honestly. I haven't been there in a long time. But in the past, when I was feeling stressed or whatever. I'd totally go there for a night run. Seeing the stars and stuff makes me feel a lot happier. And of course it brings memories too. Y'know what. I'm gonna take my cam with me next time. It's gonna be so much fun.
Okay that's all I can think of actually. I don't really have 10 places. But... who knows? I might actually find some place nice next time. And then I'll tell you about it.
Oh yea, btw, I saw this video being shared on facebook. Sooo, it kinda reminded me of Bullet for My Valentine's "Waking the Demon" music video. Hahaha. Totally something I'd do if I was angry. Well, that's if I can even life someone off the ground. >>> HERE'S THE VIDEO. Not sure if you guys can view it. But yea. About some kid standing up to his bullies. That's about it guys, I'll see ya soon.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
We Are the Victims of Ourselves.
"Some people believe in God, I believe in music. Some people pray, you know? And I turn up the radio."
Honestly, 30 Seconds to Mars will always remain as one of my favourite bands. No matter what music they make because they're too inspiring.
Especially Jared Leto. I mean I've been saying he's good looking and all that. And no shit he has one of the best voices I've heard. I can't describe how I actually feel about him. But he's one of my idols for sure.
In case you guys didn't know, (if any of you actually checked out 30stm) he directs the band's music videos. I mean, the amount of talent he has and the amount of effort he puts into his work, it's really admirable. I'm not saying this caz he's a white. But he's awesome. You should totally check out "Kings and Queens" caz it's like a short film. "Hurricane" the MV was also friggin' awesome caz it addresses real issues.
It's stuff like these, that really makes me wanna move my body. I wanna jump, and shout the lyrics and really just dance to it. Well, it's not only 30stm. Even electronic hip hop, whatever they play in clubs. I so freaking wanna lose myself. I really like that feeling. It's like, when the music gets loud, it's like, you can feel the beats throbbing in your head. Almost in sync with the blood pumping through your veins.
So if some of you follow me on twitter, you might have seen this, "It's funny caz, I did everything I said I would never do. And.. I like them." I mean, come on, I'm sure you guys get that some times. If you guys actually read my blog since the start, you should know that I really HATED clubbing. I don't know because.. now, I like it. And trust me, I've only been clubbing twice, and I know I won't stop.
I've changed. I know. But hey, I'm an "escapist". Sometimes I just need stuff to take the shitload of my mind.
Oh btw, I've got my camcorder!!!!! Yayz. Really really wanna make videos like Jared Leto. But I guess.. Hahah, it's not gonna happen.
Oh and I know the Japan thing has been going on for quite a number of days. But I really wanna say, Singaporeans don't see how lucky we are. Over here, we're probably just thinking of how to squeeze past people at the IT fair, and over in Japan they're struggling to survive. So if you're not gonna help out monetarily or physically, (like me) then the least you could do is pray for them. Go pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, and wish your freaking ass off. (okay sorry not funny, but I just had to say it)
Oh, p.s. I kinda reactivated my formspring again. Because someone told me that there will be questions soon when I told him that no one was asking me questions anymore. Hahah.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Okay guys, are you ready for the cutest thing ever????????????? No seriously, are you ready?

Soooo, I can't wait for tmr, caz I think I'm finally gonna get my camcorder. I still can't decide which one. But yea. It's gonna be soooo fun. Tryin' te make videos and stuff like that.
So I was talking to my friend Theophilus that day. Nice guy. And then we talked about stuff, like an ideal partner. And then he brought up something important. He said something like, "Your ideal partner is yourself, but of the opposite sex." The first thing I tried to do was, try to argue with a girl's mentality. Because I'm sure most girls wouldn't agree to that, caz they think that they're capable of giving in so much more, blah blah blah etc. But I just couldn't because every single "girl" point I thought of wasn't.. valid?
"Uhmmmm, yeap." That was my reply to him. Because don't you see, everytime we feel sad, everytime we need something to fill up that emotional gap, we just need someone to like understand. And who else would understand you better than yourself?
I mean, if you date yourself, but of the opposite sex, I mean, the person can practically read your mind. Then all these talk about what, "imperfections in a relationship makes it perfect" won't even apply.
So technically, when a relationship screws up, we only have ourselves to blame because we think we can accept flaws. But it's not because we can or cannot. It's because we have no choice but to do it. I mean, after all, no one can find the "perfect" one.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Gat Me Liek OH MA GASH.
Nothing really special today. Well, except that I stepped on a snail.
Lemme tell you something, I HATE stepping on snails. I repeat. I H.A.T.E. crushing snails with my feet. Y'know why? Because it's like killing something harmless.
They're probably like, "Ohhh.. Rain's out, time to go for a stroll. (And by stroll, I mean really really friggin' ass slow) Just mindin' my own business now. Enjoying da breeze..." And then...........
Righhhht? Like, holy shit. I usually watch out for snails when I'm walking. But it just slipped my mind today. AHM A BAD ASS MURDERER, NO SHIT 'BOUT DAT. No but seriously, I feel sad when I kill a snail. Oh btw, I don't think I killed the snail today caz, I lifted up my feet quicker than lightning when I heard a soft crack. So yeap. The shell was still intact.
Y'know what the moral of the story is?
STOP USING YOUR FREAKING PHONE WHEN YOU'RE WALKING DAMMIT. It's gonna get something killed. OR even yourself.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Random Post #3
WILL SOMEONE. ANY ONE. ANYYYY ONE. Tell me how this is actually possible. Because seriously, it's either
1. This guy is a no-lifer and spends 25 hours a day at the bowling alley.
2. He had divine help.
Please, just watch this. >>> Bawlz.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Oh Child, You Always Knock Me Over For a Loop.
There was the Dinner and Dance thing right. Okay so, the theme of it was Reminiscence. And the good thing was, I stuck to the theme. And the bad thing was, probably the other 95% of the batch didn't. But I still liked it, caz I dressed up as Mr Bean. No like, seriously, I had the bear and all too.

Yea, if you look a lil' closer at my bag, that's the bear. Didn't get my hair done. But doesn't matter.
So there were a few other people who stuck to the theme too. In fact, they stuck to it too well.

Yeap, that's right, our very own F4. Well, except that, they look like they're ready to take down a mob. And if you look closely, their hairdos were like, permed hair. Pretty awesome ya?
I mean, look, they were all ready to pose for the camera.

Yayyoz, DnD wasn't that great, but the people there were fun.
And on a really freaking random side note, I found the picture of the first omelette/scrambled eggs I cooked. Let's call it, "Scromelette". OKay shit that actually sounds wrong. But it's nice huh. Scromelette. Sounds like some vampire name. Count Scromelette.
But y'know what they say about double rainbows.. This is the part where I'm supposed to come up with a witty comment, but, nope. I've got nothing.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
So.. I've deleted my formspring. Since it's dead already. Mmm and also caz I said it'll be more personal now.
There's nothing much to talk about too, well except that I just came back from KL with my classmates. I had fun, so that's all there is to it. :) Obviously, the first person I should thank is Chee Wei, caz he was the guy who even started some action on the whole grad trip plan. Instead of just talking without doing much. (Which is something I've been doing... Well not exactly, caz I didn't really participate in the talking to) But seriously, didn't regret taking the train and I should have went on the bus for the return trip.
Well.. there's the dinner and dance for the school of business people on wednesday. And it's quite lame caz it's supposed to be a prom sorta thing. People obviously overlooked the main purpose of a prom. Which is to get a prom date. But I guess I could do without that. Not that I want one anyway. But it's lame caz it's no longer a prom. But like a graduation dinner.
I'm still thinking of what haircut to get.
Mmm yeapz. That's about it. I still want my camera. And I'm gonna need video editing softwares.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Okay, so my daily posts thingy is failing really badly. Doesn't matter. Okayz, I'm gonna show you guys some emails as promised, but before that, I have to say... ADELPHIA SUCKED. As in A Skylit Drive's older album. Not that you guys will know of it anyway.. But just gotta get it out of the system. They have a new album btw, just released it. Super awesome stuffff. Or at least the song I heard was awesome so far.
The lead's not stretching his gay-high voice that much anymore. Sounds a lot better too. And as I've said,

Cory La Quay's the friggin' beast. His hair's more awesome. Sick gauges and tatts. Smexy drumming. I'm such a fan-boy. But let's put it this way, I was one of the first that discovered his awesome-ness, okay? (Wannabe scene-fan is wannabe)
Post-hardcore fans should really go check the new album out. Makes me feel like listening to all the loud music again.
Alrightyz, so the email thing's about me arguing with some woman from SP, a staff actually. (and I heard she's an obnoxiously fat and mean bitch... Okay maybe I just made that up) So I'm not gonna be an asshole, let's just keep it private and say her name starts with a "J" and ends with "esslyn". (Hehe)
Background Story
So I'm gonna be as neutral as I can get. It was regarding some microsoft kit stuff and her friend bought it from my group. Her friend, Mr. X has already left SP. Thus, he couldn't collect it from us. But apparently, he already missed 2 collection periods. And the third one was the final one. So it was kind of a favour we were doing. Since, 1. We could have said that he missed both collection periods and confiscated his CD or 2. Confiscated his CD since he was not entitled to it anymore as he already left SP. So after I smsed him to come collect his CD, he said he would ask his friend to collect it from us and told me to send an email to him, so he could forward it to her. After telling him that it was unnecessary, he still insisted. I was annoyed of course, but I asked him, "so what do you want in the email". And he replied "anything to verify the collection". So I didn't understand why he couldn't have forwarded the text instead of all these trouble. (Some people just want to cover their stupid fat ass) So.. Anyway this is how it went.
[Me = Me, J = J-esslyn]
Me: (To Mr X.)
"Dearest recipient,
I henceforth declare thee as a worthy candidate to reclaim the media kit/s Mr X. hath procured.
Thy shalt bear no liabilities as ov whether Mr X. wilt thereof receive his products from thee.
In short, you can collect it on Mr X.'s behalf. Please get his admin no. ready. If there are any errors with the order, ask the people there.
Peace out,
Jiawei "
J: (After receving the forwarded email from Mr X.)
"Morning Jiawei, I’m sorry but think the essence of the requested mail was not indicated nor understood. The request of the email was to confirm that I can collect the Microsoft Media Kit on behalf of Mr X. as he is left SP and is currently with MICA. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Me: (Really ticked off by the reply, I replied using the exact words)
"In the first place, the email was not required for the collection. Thus, I see no obligation in going the extra mile in pleasing your demands. Oh, by the way, I think it should be more or less understood what the email was about. Soooo yeap. In any case, I have already told him that it was not necessary. Unless you decided to be persistent about it, in which, he has not told me what was it exactly that you wanted in the email. Catch a break, man.
:) "
J: (Slightly more aggressive now)
Thank you for your reply.Based on my understanding, it was a request and not a demand and therefore, indeed you have no obligation to do anything. Maybe just a simple clarification or explanation would suffice. If it is not necessary, you should have informed Mr X. instead of wasting your time and efforts to write such an unnecessary mail. And all these correspondence would have been avoided.
This is totally unprofessional and uncalled for.
Best Regards,
Me: (Really pissed off now. I mean, dude, she clearly didn't read my emails properly)
First things first, I am not a professional.
Secondly, I don't see a need in undertaking a professional tone for this. Especially since, we're doing a favour for your friend.
Lastly, as I've said earlier, I have already told your friend about it not being necessary, not once.. Nope. But TWICE. So if he insisted, that was all I could give.
So.. now you REALLY need to catch a break. Have fun at the collection later. Please don't bother ruining my day further by replying this.
So much for professionalism. Bye.
Okay... so that's about it guys. Just so you know, I'm not proud of my actions. But I felt that I should have stood up for myself. I know it's trivial. And I know my temper. And I really wanna change it. But I guess, I have to control myself more. In her defence, it probably wasn't her fault too. I mean, her friend probably didn't tell her about the email not being necessary. But she gave a bitchy reply and I snapped.
I know the first email I sent was not serious etc etc. I was just joking. She didn't have to tell me about it not having the essence of whatever she wanted. So if you wanted a formal letter, bitch, go get a lawyer. She was rude, so I got rude. And when I'm rude and angry, I get mean.
So that's it guys. I'm going to KL with my classmates tmr. Soooo. see ya around. :)
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Off the Heezaaaaayye.
Hey what's up guys. I have decided that... I'm not gonna publicize my posts anymore. (yay!) But I'll be posting daily? I guess? Or more often, I'd say.
Soooo, I saw this video on youtube some time back. As always, I wanted to show you guys the vid. But I forgot to. Haha. So it's about this black dude (african american), raging on the song "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. So if you're a fan of Bruno Mars. Then maybe you don't really wanna watch it. But if you're a fan of Bruno Mars with a sense of humour, then yea you should watch it. So the video is about him talking about how stupid the lyrics to "Grenade" are. I think it's actually pretty funny. Link's over >>> Here.
So at some point in our lives, we've all heard a song that makes us go, "Dude, wtf?" (I know it because some people told me that after listening to songs in my ipod.) And, there's this song that makes me think the same thing too. Well, I mean, I understand if the tune's nice or whatever. But the lyrics don't make sense.
I'm sure most of you have heard the song, "Irreplaceable" by the one and only Beyonce. There are mainly 4 points that I wanna talk about.
1. "To the left, to the left" - This phrase is supposed to be like the "punchline" of the song, to make the song catchy or whatever, I guess? Only thing is, it doesn't relate to the title "Irreplaceable" at all. Only thing that follows is , "everything you own in the box to the left" Like... Okayyyy. I mean like, what? Is that some kinda OCD or what. Can't the guy put his stuff on the right? Or middle? Or at the back?
2. Weird English - So, don't get me wrong. I'm not some kinda English freak or something, but the song is filled with weird English. Like, "please don't touch" It sounds weird doesn't it? Maybe not when she sings it, but picture the sentence with a Singaporean accent. Totally beng like. And "you was untrue" Were not was. "Don't you ever for a second get to thinking, you're irreplaceable". Like...... Wut? Sorry, didn't catch that. Second get to thinking?????
3. "You must not know 'bout me" - No shit. What are you? Some kind of James Bond or something? Lemme get this straight, "You don't know about me" =/= "You must not know 'bout me". Okay?
4. "Irreplaceable" - that's the whole point of the song right? "Don't you ever for a second get to thinking, you're irreplaceable", probably means she's telling that guy he can be replaced. So like, I don't get it, caz if she wanted to replace a guy, why the hell did the next part of the song say, "I could have another you in a minute." That's like going out for dinner and saying, "Y'know what guys, let's have McDonald's instead of McDonald's". So y'know what, why not tell the guy, "Hey, you suck so much, I'm gonna replace you, with you, because the other you, sucks too." That's seriously one messed up bitch.
So that's all. But people find it good. I mean, the song sold worldwide. Award-winning and all too. So.... who am I to judge. Hahah I probably can't do better. Peace?
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