Okay, so my daily posts thingy is failing really badly. Doesn't matter. Okayz, I'm gonna show you guys some emails as promised, but before that, I have to say... ADELPHIA SUCKED. As in A Skylit Drive's older album. Not that you guys will know of it anyway.. But just gotta get it out of the system. They have a new album btw, just released it. Super awesome stuffff. Or at least the song I heard was awesome so far.
The lead's not stretching his gay-high voice that much anymore. Sounds a lot better too. And as I've said,

Cory La Quay's the friggin' beast. His hair's more awesome. Sick gauges and tatts. Smexy drumming. I'm such a fan-boy. But let's put it this way, I was one of the first that discovered his awesome-ness, okay? (Wannabe scene-fan is wannabe)
Post-hardcore fans should really go check the new album out. Makes me feel like listening to all the loud music again.
Alrightyz, so the email thing's about me arguing with some woman from SP, a staff actually. (and I heard she's an obnoxiously fat and mean bitch... Okay maybe I just made that up) So I'm not gonna be an asshole, let's just keep it private and say her name starts with a "J" and ends with "esslyn". (Hehe)
Background Story
So I'm gonna be as neutral as I can get. It was regarding some microsoft kit stuff and her friend bought it from my group. Her friend, Mr. X has already left SP. Thus, he couldn't collect it from us. But apparently, he already missed 2 collection periods. And the third one was the final one. So it was kind of a favour we were doing. Since, 1. We could have said that he missed both collection periods and confiscated his CD or 2. Confiscated his CD since he was not entitled to it anymore as he already left SP. So after I smsed him to come collect his CD, he said he would ask his friend to collect it from us and told me to send an email to him, so he could forward it to her. After telling him that it was unnecessary, he still insisted. I was annoyed of course, but I asked him, "so what do you want in the email". And he replied "anything to verify the collection". So I didn't understand why he couldn't have forwarded the text instead of all these trouble. (Some people just want to cover their stupid fat ass) So.. Anyway this is how it went.
[Me = Me, J = J-esslyn]
Me: (To Mr X.)
"Dearest recipient,
I henceforth declare thee as a worthy candidate to reclaim the media kit/s Mr X. hath procured.
Thy shalt bear no liabilities as ov whether Mr X. wilt thereof receive his products from thee.
In short, you can collect it on Mr X.'s behalf. Please get his admin no. ready. If there are any errors with the order, ask the people there.
Peace out,
Jiawei "
J: (After receving the forwarded email from Mr X.)
"Morning Jiawei, I’m sorry but think the essence of the requested mail was not indicated nor understood. The request of the email was to confirm that I can collect the Microsoft Media Kit on behalf of Mr X. as he is left SP and is currently with MICA. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Me: (Really ticked off by the reply, I replied using the exact words)
"In the first place, the email was not required for the collection. Thus, I see no obligation in going the extra mile in pleasing your demands. Oh, by the way, I think it should be more or less understood what the email was about. Soooo yeap. In any case, I have already told him that it was not necessary. Unless you decided to be persistent about it, in which, he has not told me what was it exactly that you wanted in the email. Catch a break, man.
:) "
J: (Slightly more aggressive now)
Thank you for your reply.Based on my understanding, it was a request and not a demand and therefore, indeed you have no obligation to do anything. Maybe just a simple clarification or explanation would suffice. If it is not necessary, you should have informed Mr X. instead of wasting your time and efforts to write such an unnecessary mail. And all these correspondence would have been avoided.
This is totally unprofessional and uncalled for.
Best Regards,
Me: (Really pissed off now. I mean, dude, she clearly didn't read my emails properly)
First things first, I am not a professional.
Secondly, I don't see a need in undertaking a professional tone for this. Especially since, we're doing a favour for your friend.
Lastly, as I've said earlier, I have already told your friend about it not being necessary, not once.. Nope. But TWICE. So if he insisted, that was all I could give.
So.. now you REALLY need to catch a break. Have fun at the collection later. Please don't bother ruining my day further by replying this.
So much for professionalism. Bye.
Okay... so that's about it guys. Just so you know, I'm not proud of my actions. But I felt that I should have stood up for myself. I know it's trivial. And I know my temper. And I really wanna change it. But I guess, I have to control myself more. In her defence, it probably wasn't her fault too. I mean, her friend probably didn't tell her about the email not being necessary. But she gave a bitchy reply and I snapped.
I know the first email I sent was not serious etc etc. I was just joking. She didn't have to tell me about it not having the essence of whatever she wanted. So if you wanted a formal letter, bitch, go get a lawyer. She was rude, so I got rude. And when I'm rude and angry, I get mean.
So that's it guys. I'm going to KL with my classmates tmr. Soooo. see ya around. :)
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