Remember my previous post about trannies? I just recalled something totally unrelated to that.
People ask me, "since you like angmoh-s sooo much, why don't you have an English name?"
Hell yea I want one. I just haven't found the right one.
Then I have friends giving me suggestions. Some good. Some weird.
(So far I've got Mickey, Eden, Zachary, Paul, Nicholas etc etc.)
So today I have finally gathered a few names that I found/others suggested, which, I think, will make an awesome English name for me. Well, for certain reasons.
Number 1. Dean.
Thing is, I watch Supernatural. So Dean is obviously one of the main characters, (the better looking one at that) and yea, it gives me that masculine kinda feel. Y'know. And it's kinda weird why "dean supernatural shirtless" pops up as a suggestion in the Google search bar when I'm searching for his picture.
Numero dos. Micah

Now I'm not too sure about the origins of this name. But it sounds like a, sexy-latino-spanish-whatever kinda name. And also the boy above acted in Heroes as Micah. I mean, I know right. It's a cute name too. Y'know what the best part is? It's like a unisex name. Awesome?
Nimemo Twa. Frank
The reason why I like Frank is caz it gives off this really really mature vibe. I like mature. And it has only 1 syllable. Which makes it soooo easy to introduce yourself. Like, "Hi I'm Frank." I mean, it's so much better than, "Hi, I'm Jiawei." This is when all the non-chinese (or sometimes chinese) people go, "Sorry, you're?" "Ji-ah-way" "Oh.. Hi jayway."
Število štiri. Travis
Because it sounds cool and I don't know anyone named Travis (except for that AWESOME blink-182 guy). But downside is, people'll start thinking I'm like some kinda act cool dude or something. But seriously. Travis is a really nice name. I mean it sounds nice.
Númer fimm. Brent
Whenever this name comes to my head. I get reminded, of a geek, who turns cool. I have no idea why. And it has also only 1 syllable. "HEY BRENT, COME HERE" "Waassup man Brent?" "YO BRENT" So easy to call out for him right? You get it? Uh huh.
Nummer sechs. Payton
Payton, Payton, Payton. First thing that comes to my head. Cute boy with huge glasses. I like it.
So yea, that's about it. Can't really decide which one though. Suggestions?
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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