Hey guys. So I have a.. Superpower series. A.. Random series. And now I have a Would You Rather series. Just for the fun of it. Because I like to ask weird questions. Some of you already know that. But it's okay. A lot of you don't.
So here goes. Would you rather marry a SUPER HUGE guy/girl or a SUPER SKINNY guy/girl. (i'm giving the guy/girl option caz I expect both genders to participate uh. Not caz I'm homo or whatever)
Here's the catch. You can only choose one of the options. You can't say "Oh I'd choose the skinny one caz I can feed him/her til she grows bigger." And bear in mind that you're gonna marry him/her for life. Assuming a life expectancy averaging 75 years old.
So yea, with no variable situations. Just a Huge guy/girl or a Skinny guy/girl.


Get the idea?
I'm gonna answer it first by saying, I have nothing against fat/skinny people. It was just a hypothetical question that came to my head. It's just for fun, I don't mean any harm.
But I would marry the HUGEEEEE person. Because she probably is happier and more confident about how she looks. As in, she doesn't give a shit. she just eats what she wants to. It's all about that positive energy thing. Y'know. People who are daaaamn skinny usually don't eat because they're damn obsessed with their weight and stuff. Which might make me feel a lot sadder.
Plus, huge girls can carry me so I don't have to walk. Just sayin'. (hahah I kid.)
SO YEA. That's about it. If you have a "Would You Rather" question. Just leave it on my formspring.
If you wanna answer my question, (because I'd love to hear it) leave it on my formspring too.
See you guys around. Peacceeee.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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