Hey guys.
That was my very first vlog. And it has been up for quite some time already. Just thought some of you might have missed it out on the previous post. Possibly because you guys didn't read through the post. A friend suggested that I should embed it. And I did.
Sorry if I sound dull and shit. Just thought all my readers should see it.
I just woke up from a nap. Wouldn't really consider it a nap since it was from 4pm - 1.30am. Can't really go back to sleep and so I decided to use the com.
Went to my formspring. And I was really quite stoked when I saw a new question.
Then I saw the question, and my heart just.. sank.

I know my reply sounded a little harsh. But. Yea I didn't know what else to say.
To the person who asked the question, you probably read my blog. If you're reading this. Then I'm sorry. I must have done something to disappoint you.
I've had a few people telling me that actually.
But let me just lay it all out, if anyone's gonna miss that sad-introverted-old jw. It's gonna be me. Caz let me just say I know I've made some bad choices so far. And just so you know, old jw only changed because he wanted to. Regardless of what other routes he had to take, how different he might have been.
So yea. I turned out this way. And you can either choose to stick with me, be my friend. Or you can just choose to walk away from me. Like how most people do. Honestly, one more won't hurt. Since I'm getting used to it already.
So yea, all I can say is. I'm sorry. I hope I'm not overreacting to the comment. But. Yea. And everyone changes. But what really matters doesn't. It's like the core of the person won't ever change. Said by Marshall in How I Met Your Mother. I think?
Mmhmm. That's all, I guess.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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