MSTs are over! Haha, it actually ended on Monday. But, school sucks. Whoever thinks having one paper only for MSTs is a good thing should shoot themselves now. It is great news.. ONLY if we didn't have more projects to do during the holidays. As Chee Wei said, "Having one paper less more MSTs means having one more project to do."
On a happier note, I saw the happy DBF girls again today. Which made me slightly happier. Being happy is infectious. And i'm going to school again tmr, so i hope i see them there again.
Okay, ranting stops here.
Now, i've received feedback from some people. They said my blog posts were too long.... Haha. I know it can be boring sometimes. But, I don't know. For me, i feel that the longer i type, there's more commitment and attachment to this blog. Also, it's because this blog's also for myself (yes, i read my own posts once in a while). Yea. So the more i type, the more of myself i will remember in the future. If you get what i mean. Since you know, i might change again.
So yea. But i'll try to shorten my posts. TRY TO. Lulzzz.
Anyway, I was watching some youtube vid (like some comedy/song kinda thing) and i realized, how what it said, was true. I mean I seriously never noticed it. EVER.
What is it, you ask? "Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions" !!! I mean..

Wolverine doesn't.

Even freaking power rangers don't! Wow. But seriously, I have NEVER noticed it. After so many years of watching action movies. I mean, it's such an act-cool action. But it's funny.
If you wanna hear the song, Here's the link.
So guys, now you know what you have to do to look cool. Set off a mini explosion, and walk away from it, with the wind blowing in your hair and shit. Haha................ K. Just kidding. Yea. I know i'm not that funny.
Check it out. I failed to shorten the post! But it's okay. The next post will be shorter. I hope.
(Maybe it's just because my font's big!)
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