FINALLY.. I'm back. Hi guys. It's been a long time. The week's been ridiculously busy. With tests and projects and more tests piled up.
I mean honestly, I was so caught up with all the shit I wanted to do. I barely even took time to think and "stone" like i usually did. Which made me really really angry. Like hulk-angry.
Which resulted in this:

So people have been asking me, why i've been so moody these past days. And... I really really don't know how to explain it. But i've been really affected by reactions by certain people. yeap. And i guess, i'm pretty much an asshole, because i tend to affect the people around me with my unhappy-aura. That is, of course, when i'm unhappy.
Well, i guess it's more or less over now. Thanks to people like Nick! Whom I believe, is one of the few loyal readers of this blog.

I mean, he seriously replies my questions. So i really really appreciate it. And of course, I want to thank my CLASSMATES.

Because, 70% of the questions in my formspring are probably asked by them. AND also they are awesome listeners. So.... You guys ARE my friends. Don't worry too much about what i say, about me having only a few close friends. I mean, i treat most of my friends equally nice. So thanks for listening to my ranting and shit during breaks.
Also, there are a lot more people that made me happier. Like my family and other friends. So you guys know who you are. (I hope?) If i listed all your names down, blogspot will crash.
And omg, i was looking through my facebook pictures/videos again... Yea i had quite a lot of fun over these years. AND i re-watched the Butterfly Effect trick i performed for Sylvia in the class chalet. (Hahaha! Sylvia, seriously, i have no idea why you actually believed me?) Eh class, we should have a chalet soon? Haha.
Right..... I actually have a lot of things to talk about. But seeing that this post is getting a lot longer than expected. I may actually blog about it next time.
Now I know a lot of people are feeling very stressed now, be it over projects or tests or whatever. I just really want to tell you guys, i may not know how it feels. But i just hope you guys can be happier. because, we're all gonna die in 2012.

Like that. Nah just kidding. But seriously, sometimes all we have to do is slow down. And not think too much.
So take the classic chill pill. And just stay happy.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Formspring, facebook. Share your suggestions/ ideas/ random topics you’d like me to draw or blog about. And if you wanna add me on facebook/leave me a response. JUST DO IT!
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