Recently, I've been seeing these girls around in school. They're year 2s and from the DBF course i think. The funny thing is, they always seem to be happy. Like laughing and idk.. Very hyper. Which is not a bad thing. Haha.
Some of you may already disagree with me, but guys, seriously, you have to admit they're cute. Anyway, what baffles me is, how can they be so happy when MSTs are approaching??? Like wow, i bet all of us wish we could laugh like them during this period. Yea. But it's getting intense eh?

Check out that intensity.

I know you are probably gonna ask, "Woah, jiawei, what the heck is that?" Yea, those are birds. Imagine the amount of bird-shit that flock could produce. I mean it could drown you or something. But yea, wow. I actually got this from a youtube video. And no, it's not a documentary. It's actually something someone asked me to watch/listen to.

Thank you, stranger, for sharing this. You guys should probably give it a listen. I felt that it was good. Honestly. Like, its the kind of music you would listen to, in rainy days, looking out of your window, staring. into. space. forever. Yea. It is, for me at least.
Broken Social Scene - Lover's Spit <---- LINK'S HERE
Okay..... I'm not so sure what the song is about, but i guess it's about lovers not knowing what love truly is. Like everything they're doing now, they think it's love. But it's not. And it takes A LOT more to love. Yea. Because part of the lyrics say, "You know it's time that we grow old and do some shit".
So yea. I suck at song interpretations. So if you know what the song means. You can always. Tell me. (: Go google the song lyrics, [Lover's Spit. By Broken Social Scene]
Anyway..... Okay, stranger, because you asked me to. I'm gonna watch Wicker Park. After my test on monday. You could always lend me the dvd or vcd or something if you have it. I wouldn't mind. Hahaha. Or i'll just borrow it from a cd shop or something.
Okay guys. I won't be blogging for the next few days i guess. You know, to study.. I guess i'll be back by Monday. Or Tuesday. Tomorrow's gonna be a loooong day. I'm off to organize my files and study now. Bye guys. See you around.
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