Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Random Post #8
#1. I didn't plan to do this post.
#2. I just came back from West Coast Macs. And it wasn't because I was tired or anything, but rather, the cleaners were washing the toilets and I needed to pee very very badly.
#3. I've got like 2 suggestions for my 100th post thing already! Well, one asked for a vlog, the other asked for a rap. I'm really starting to reconsider it caz I think I look like crap on camera.
#5. I TOLD YOU GUYS TO CHECK OUT THIS GUY. WHY DIDN'T YOU. CLICK NOW. Yea honestly, his video's really touching. I mean, it's a remix.. yea yea. But the lyrics wuz prettaye dope.
#6. I am damn friggin' weird because... I'm the complete opposite of whom I wanted myself to be.
#7. I did my recent practices for the SAT test. And I scored 1994 for the most recent one (I took an average essay score into account). I'm just damn scared that my essay might screw up. I heard it's really tough to score for the essay. I always go off topic. I think? I mean look, the title of this post's called "Random Post #8". Just how organized can my thoughts get? I really really NEED to do well. Like hopefully a score of 2000 and above.
#8. Sorry to disappoint. But THIS is actually the 96th post. HAHA. Just found out I had an empty draft.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Take Me Down to the Paradise City.
Person who requested for the "How do you tell if a guy likes you" post, it has already been done, just read the previous post if you haven't. :)
I was walking around Raffles City again today. With my sis.
And.. I heard this girl from Ben & Jerry's shouting, "Why are all guys such assholes!?" But the way she yelled it made it sound more like a statement than a question.
Funny thing was, she shouted the same sentence twice? Baffling. I'm pretty sure her colleague heard her. (I mean I was outside and still, I heard it) I guess she was just trying to make a point.
I have nothing against her though.
I told my sister I'll be bloggin' about it. *NOTE* Ladies..... what I'm gonna say can be quite offensive. I mean, girls will be girls.. So if you think you can't handle the heat, then... BAM! Click that link. It'll take you somewhere nice. It's a "Beauty" channel on youtube. Very useful if you wanna gain some tips on how to mix and match your clothes etc.
NOW.. Guys. (And girls if you're still reading it) I'm sure most of you always listen to girls complain about how guys are assholes/jerks/bastards and they like to cheat on girls. Whatever. I'm gonna make a stand now. I think it's really unfair for girls to do so.
Caz I'm pretty sure.. Girls are bitches EXCEPT guys just don't whine about it. Yea. And I'm aware that not all girls are bitches. Probably only some of them. SO YEA, dammit, the same goes for guys? Girls like to go into details ALL THE TIME, but why is it that when it comes to this, they are able to generalize so easily. Like.. "All guys are douchebags. Period."
Which is obviously, completely untrue.
Now I'm not saying I'm the best guy in the world.. Hell, I'm not even close to that. The fact that I'm ranting about this probably shows that I'm not even as forgiving as half the guys out there. (Which makes me sound really gay and petty)
I just think that guys deserve more respect, right? I mean you don't see guys, going around screaming, "ALL GIRLS ARE SLUTS AND WHORES!"

That's about it.. So guys.. Stay cool and be gentlemanly like you always have been. And for the girls who're still here, thanks for reading and thanks for not coming over to beat me up. (Nah I know you're not as petty as me) Tell your "guy-haters" not to hate on us so much k?
Wuz tellin' my sis how my life just "flat-lined". Stagnant. Again. Don't really know what to do now.
Just so you know, this is my... 96th post! Trying to sound v excited over here. I'm thinking of doing something fun/crazy? For the 100th. Y'know. It's like a huge milestone. Don't ye think? Don't really have any ideas. A vlog maybe? Or a rap video (rap, not rape), since it's the only thing I'm decent at. Hahah just kidding. Yea throw in some ideas will ya? On my formspring or something.
Okayz, that's all peepos. Quiero dormir. Maybe not.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Guess I Got My Swagger Back.
This is gon' be a long post. Y'know why?!

Just got this really cute question on my Formspring a few days back. For those who can't see the words.. He or she's asking, "How do you tell if a guy likes you?"
Honestly, I don't really know. Because the way guys react to stuff like that usually differs from each individual. SO. I got Shazlin to help me out with this, since y'know, she's a girl and she knows how guys behave. (p.s. click on her name if you wanna check out her blog.) Soo... here goes.
1. Prolonging Conversations.
As shaz said, if a guy is interested in you then "he'll keep wanting to talk to you." So yea, if you actually talk to that guy, you'll realize that he'll usually end his messages/sentences with..

A QUESTION! I think it's a pretty neat trick. Because people will tend to answer questions they see in messages or whatever. Or it could be some general statements that'll lead to discussions. For example, "Omg the weather's been crazy these few days.. Right?" Then you'll feel compelled to reply, "YA YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT". Yea, so if guys like you, they'll tend to ask you a lot of questions. Yeap. You get the drift.
So in any case, if you're using this "question" thing on the guy, and the guy's replies are just like, "Ya." Or.. "Hahah." Or.. "Okay." Then, sad to say, he's not that into you.
2. He Likes Stuff That You Like
Okay, so you should know people don't usually like EVERYTHING that you like. Because when two people just started to hit off, they usually "pretend to be a person they think their partner wants." As quoted by some woman from House.
So maybe try starting a conversation by saying telling him that you like something. (Something that you're sure most people won't like. Like... You like biting your nails. Caz that's what I do and many people find it gross.)
If he likes you... then because of Point No. 1 as mentioned earlier, he'd try to prolong the conversation. So he'll say, something nice like, "Oh! I know of people who bite their nails and stuff. And I think it's very cool.. blah blah blah." So yea, it's very easy to tell if a guy likes you because he'll say something's cool/cute/whatever because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
Yeaaappp, so that's all Shaz told me.
3. Physical Flirting.
Okay so from this point onwards, it's gonna just be MY observations.
Okay when I say physical flirting, I don't mean the full-blown making out or groping or molesting kinda thing.

It could be very subtle things like, winking? Or maybe even playing with hair... Or slight contact of the hands. And even eye contact. Y'know?
In any case, it'd be a good gauge. Because the more he likes you, the closer he'll want to get to you. It's very natural. Some guys are shy. But yea. You can go read up on the Five Love Languages thing. I'm someone who's very physical (not like the rapist/molester kind), like how I like hugs a lot. AND I always like to lean on people/put my hands on their shoulders/grab their arms when I go out with them.
And of course, if someone is interested in you, then definitely he'll always look at you. Sooo yeap. If you guys actually get a good amount of eye contact (or you realize that he's been staring at you creepily for the past 5 minutes), then I'd say there's a high chance that he actually likes you.
4. Just Ask.
I mean what else could be a better way? If you're some tough bitch who isn't shy and stuff. Just be direct and ask him, "So.. do you actually like me?" There. Then you'll get to know.
I mean it may backfire, since he might just freak out because he didn't expect it. But.. yea you could always brush it off. Or if you really really don't wanna risk it. Then watch out for all the signs. :)
Just so you know, in case you think that ALL guys will make the first move to tell you if he likes you or not. YOU'RE WRONG. Take me for an example. I don't really like making the first move, because I don't like girls who think "Oh... he should do it caz he's the guy". That's like bullshit thinking? (And girls keep calling for EQUALITY OF THE GENDERS. Yea right, just suck it up and be a woman because you don't have to serve the army, you don't get caned in jail. Okay sorry for raging.)
Call me a pussy or whatever. But yea, I think if you really want something, you should go get it and not wait for it. That's why if you see me trying to chase a girl, then yea, I probably really want her.
OKAY. So that's all I have to offer. Hahaha. Sorry if it's not a lot. But yea, just know that every guy's different. So... in the end you'll just have to go with your instincts. (like how shaz told me it all comes down to gut feeling) And they said women were born with a sixth sense, which is of course, your sharp instincts. Unless you're not a girl.. Then.. you should already know how to tell if a guy likes you? Hahaha.
Anywayyy, just saw something on Morgan's blog. It's... Beautiful. I don't know how else to describe it. Or breathtaking maybe. Anyway CLICK THIS if you love stars and clouds and mountains and nature. This is exactly why I've always wanted to live on a mountain.
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Yea Right.
So... Butter fac was pretty fun tonight. Maybe it's just caz I haven't been partying or something.
I'm blogging at this weird hour because I can't get to sleep. Because something's really bugging me.
I'm gonna be completely honest with you right now... and I don't care if you think I'm some kinda jerk or something.
So as you know.. In a club, there will be a lot of guys trying to dance with girls. AND also girls dancing with guys. I mean, as most of you already know, I'm a HUGE sucker for good looking people. And definitely, being a guy, I'm constantly looking out for good looking girls (and guys, but of course, more girls because I'm totally not homo.)
And look, I'm not boasting or anything (please don't take offense or anything, or think I'm some kinda egoistic son of a bitch) but some girls do actually try to dance with me. Well mostly, the average looking ones OR the not so good looking ones.
Speaking from a totally "MANLY" point of view, guys would totally take jump at the opportunity and dirty dance with 'dem girls.
You should know when I'm clubbing, I totally go crazy. As in I'm really a different person. And my classmates and people who went clubbing with me, probably knows that. Which means, I also completely lose control. (Or at least I'd want to lose control) So I'm really some kinda, hardcore-shouting-shuffling-rapping guys you see at a club.
Of course, when a girl tries to dance with me, (as long as she's decent looking.. hey. don't judge. I'm being honest here. it's something you'll probably never learn to do) I will try dancing with her too.
Now here comes the complicated part.. You see, NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY, I usually don't gain enough interest/lose interest very quickly. And then I'll just start rappin' and hoppin' around. It's like.. SOMETHING's holding me back. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS?
And it's not because the girls are not hot enough or anything... I just.. stop.
Idk if any of you actually experienced it before. BUT IF YOU KNOW what's going on. Tell me?
I mean, I actually enjoy talking to groups in the clubs. Like just now, I met this super super rad group with this indian guy who was high, called Kanna or Kaana, idk how to spell his name. And his friends, like Amanda with the super cool ear gauges, Fish (Idk if it's her real name), Theresa and Melvin. And yea, kinda just talked to 'em. And kindaaaa partied with them for a lil'.
Yea. AND YOU SEEE? It's so weird? Because people usually go in, find a target, try to grind them, repeat process. But idk. Y'know I feel v accomplished when I pave the way for people in the crowd. And like.. I like talking to people in the club.
I'm gonna name this phenomenon, the Hopper-Effect. I have no idea why. But it sounds cool.
I'm actually starting to question my sexuality. I'm just kidding. I'm still straight.
So yea... oh btw, if any of you actually knows Kanna or Kaana and his group. Tell me kay! I get attached to people v easily. So yea, I'm v v curious about the group now, I mean after talking to them for only a while.
Only goes to show how much I love having fun.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bang Bang Skit Skit.
Yo wassup guys.
For all of you guys who haven't watched Lady Gaga's new MV, "Judas".

Just thought I'd tell you. I love her biker look. Think I've mentioned it on twitter before. But it's kay.
Love the eyeliner thingy on her face. Love the jacket. Love her bandanna + hair combo. (Like how her hair flops nicely to one side.) Really really like the eyeliner thing.
Okay, you can go search for the video yourself now.
Some people think Lady Gaga's pure evil and she's part of the illuminati or whatever. Especially since her new song talks about her loving "Judas". I'm sure many people will think it's anti-christ or whatever. Like this girl >> Weird-paranoid-teen
Okay honestly, I've read the lyrics. It didn't show any pagan or whatever subliminal message. (contradicting myself here, because if it's subliminal, I wouldn't be able to tell?) But yea. Screw it. I think she's just trying to say.. People always go back to the person who hurts them most, because we love them and even though we know they'll screw us over, we still run back to them.
And so much for all the illuminati crap. If a group of people is trying to take over the world by brainwashing us... then just let them do it. There's no need to fight it or whatever. If they're really capable of doing so.. then am I wrong to say we probably have already been mindf-ed by them?
So yea, relax with all the "OH SHI- THEY'RE TRYING TO CONTROL US" or the "OH SHI- THE WORLD IS GOING TO END".
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Random Post #7
Yo yo yo. What's up man. Random primary school statements, man.

BAM. Told you I bite my nails. I know it's a bad habit... And I know it's gross.. But no matter what I do, I can't stop biting themmm. :(

I think this, is like, an awesome picture? Okay idk how to judge whether photos are nice. But yea. But I took this okay? Gimme some credit. WITH MY PHONE'S CAMERA. It's a cloud btw.

SSSSHHHBBBOOM. Had this look 2 weeks back. Been watching too much Far East Movement.

KAAAZAAAAp. Photo taken in KL. OKay this is actually pretty funny. Because my friends and I were at the KL tower. And we got bored. So we started using the binoculars to look for random stuff. One of us actually found some toiletbowl in an apartment. But I think it was an empty one. Anyway. Not really sure how to explain how I took this photo. It was with my phone and I placed the camera at the part of the binoculars where you're supposed to look through. Yea. MORAL OF THE STORY IS... DON'T THINK YOU'RE SAFE. EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. '
Anywayyyy, SHARING VIDEOS TIME. (or... TIME FOR VIDEO SHARING, whatever you wanna call it.)
SOOO, you all say Rebecca Black sucks.. blah blah blah.
You guys can go diss her more for her acoustic version of her ONLY hit, "FRIDAY".
Okay honestly... i think she's fineeee... I mean she doesn't sound VERY VERY bad or something. Maybe it's just caz I can't sing. So yea.
Anyway. MORE local talent for you guys. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch this girl.
I think her name is sijia or whatever. CLICK THIS NAO. She deserves waaaaaayyy more views. Nice voice. Go like the video and share it with everyone, kay?
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
She Brought This On Herself.
Hey guys. I caught "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides". EVERYONE who watched it said it was damn good. So yea. I'd say it was okaaayy? (Btw, I don't like Penelope Cruz. Idk why. But yea.) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE potc. But I didn't really feel it this time round.
The plot was a bit messy. Like.. they were trying to introduce so many things, like the mermaids, the fountain, the spanish people, Blackbeard and zombies. So yeaaaaa, I'm just guessing the film aspect was just average. Like a normal franchise movie. But of course the entertainment value's there.
BUT, I still love Johnny Depp. No one will ever portray Captain Jack Sparrow as awesome as he does. It's like the role was made for him or something.
AND of course, the mermaid, Syrena, is damn hot. Just so you know, the actress, Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey, is Spanish-French. She's only 24. (or 25 this year) So yea, she picked up English for the show.

Sooo preettyyyyy. I really want a mermaid girlfriend now. Not that I want her to eat me or something. I'll just feed her lots of raw meat like beef or pork or whatever.
Then I can ride her while she swims to the depths of the oceans. Wait.. That sounded wrong. I don't mean THAT ride, I mean like riding a horse kinda ride.
Ah well. If you happen to meet a mermaid, please tell her she can stay with me.....
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
One Cuts Dead By Not Meeting the Eye.
Some videos I wanted to show you that day..
Some of you might have already heard of her. Her name is Maddi Jane. For those of you who don't know her, she's only 11 or 12.
She just uploaded a new video today. Thought you should watch it caz I think it's good. >> CLICK
I think she's good in the video which I just linked you and of course, her rendition of "Impossible" is brilliant too. You should watch it. Her Breakeven cover, in my opinion, is not as good as any of the two.
Another girl who deserves an equal amount of recognition is Shealeigh. She's also 12? Idk.
So yea, she's pretty awesome too. CLICK HERE.
So yeaaaapp, that's about it. Just decided to show you some awesome singers to demoralize you.
Nah just kidding. Feeling damn restless.
Does someone need a wingman. I think I'd make an awesome one. Just sayin'.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
There's Nothing Wrong With You.
I realized I really suck at writing essays. I can't really pen my thoughts down well. Like somehow, when I write stuff, it doesn't come out the way I want it too? Like how I usually take a long time blogging. Because I could spend half the time stoning at the screen thinking of the best phrase/word that expresses my thoughts.
Maybe it's my limited vocab or something. Idk. But.. I don't blame myself. I've never been much of a language person anyway. My sister's good though. I think.
Got a few questions on formspring recently. Should be the same person. No idea who. Don't really wanna guess too.
My classmates are out partying. And I'm stuck at home. Suddenly feel like going after Sylvia called (I'm not sure if she's drunk or what la). Hahah.
I really really want desert boots. Someone should buy them for me.
Still don't understand why no one wants my jeans. I mean.. Come on. I'm not some kinda guy with STDs or anything (and STDs can't be spread like that right? AND MY CLOTHES ARE CLEAN). If someone offered me nice clothes for free, I'd gladly take them.
I haven't worked out in like 2 weeks. Feeling all flaccid and shit.
Wanted to show you guys some videos. But. Too lazy to get the links and stuff so I guess I'll share them next time. Hahaha. Oh plus, I did a couple of vlogs. But I don't really know how to edit them. Hahaha. (Don't think anyone will wanna see them too. I look and sound like crap.)
OH. I almost forgot. I NEED A HAIRCUT. But my hairdresser stopped working here alr. So.. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE I CAN GET MY HAIR DONE NICELY!? Don't tell me what EC House or QB House or whatever house k. And you can always share some nice hairstyles you think I should try. :) Something realistic la.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Peace Is Closer.
I just finished watching a critically acclaimed movie called "Saving Private Ryan". It was made directed by Steven Spielberg and screened in 1998. (I'm pretty sure it won quite a lot of awards too)
The main message I got from the whole movie was, well, decisions made in life are usually unfair. And sometimes, you don't get to pick your path. Sometimes your path has already been set by a higher power and you MUST obey "orders".
So yea, it was a recurring point throughout the entire movie, and what other way to show it than through a war film, right?
The cinematography was good. I liked the first war scene a lot. The visuals were realistic. Some scenes were really moving and they impacted me a lot.
So for all you movie junkies, you might want to watch this. Especially if you liked Black Hawk Down or whatever war movies there are.
To those who diss the plot. Do me a favour and go screw yourself. It's not stupid. You should probably go understand the whole point of the show.
Anyway, I watched the movie because I got reminded of a music video that I saw. And I was describing the scenes to my friend and he told me that it was "Saving Private Ryan". Here's the music video, HEREEE. The song's by Guns N' Roses. Called "Civil War". Loved the song for a while. Probably one of their best songs ever. Good lyrics, good music. If you're not a fan of rock, you can still give it a shot.
Loved the wordplay at the end. "What so civil about war anyway?"
ANYWAY, I got this top from Topman.

My parents say it's v ugly. :( But I think it's nice. Anyway it's a muscle tank. It costs 36 bucks. So go get it if you want. But it's quite expensive in my opinion. I just bought it without thinking.
I was also wearing army green shorts, a grey cardigan (duh) and brown sandals. Yea.
Anyway. If you guys are looking for jeans right. I STILL have my acid wash black topman jeans for waist size 28. It's v tight. I have a slim straight cut April 77 jeans, waist size 29. And also green skinnies from topman waist size 30. So tell me if you want them. I don't want to waste them they're still in my cupboard. I'll give them to you for free. Or you could pay me like 20 bucks or something la. ESP the April 77 one. It was like 200+ when I bought it. Heart pain.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Ignore Everyone And Make Sure Everyone Notices.
In case any of you were wondering, I usually take quite a long time thinking about my posts' titles. I get them from lyrics, song titles, quotes, books. Whatever. Had to start off randomly because I don't really know what to say.
Ooohh okay. Some of you might have seen my post on facebook, which was my reply to someone's question on formspring. Or some of you might have seen it on my formspring directly. I don't even know why I'm still using formspring. Okay anyway, the person was asking whether I'm happy and how I'd define happiness. Good question. Try asking yourself that. And think it through. It's gon' be tough. At least for me it was.
My friend Joshua showed me something earlier. He's an awesome guy. I think he's like 3 years younger? Anyway, that guy's really smart. (when I say smart, I mean really damn freaking crazily intelligent) Really nice guy to talk to too.
Anyway, he showed me this video, CLICK HERE. I think it's damn funny, well, because I used to listen to music like that. (Or rather, genres similar to that of black metal) And I mean, the props used and stuff. Brilliant. You may not like the music or whatever. But it's funny caz, it's about vegan cooking, 2 things you won't usually link to Black Metal.
After all, "Black metal has been met with hostility from mainstream culture, mainly due to the misanthropic and anti-Christian standpoint of many artists."
The lyrical content was funny. I mean the whole concept was kinda lame, but entertaining at the very least.
So I went to the dude's website. veganblackmetalchef.com. And I saw a post. (which means I discovered 2 awesome things today)
Quoted, "I believe it was a guy named Nithyananda that said…
When you laugh, there is no thought.
Try to think during deep laughter, you cant do both.
When thought ceases like that, our true essence shines through for just a moment."
First of all, I have no idea who Nithyananda is. Lemme go search it up. Okay he's some kinda spiritual master in India. Apparently, he's some kinda big shot.
But yea, very wise words. True essence eh. So I guess we're all happy people intrinsically.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A zebra can never change its stripes. It's cool how I just came up with that phrase, right? Better than the leopard one, in my opinion.
I feel soooo drained now. Physically and mentally. I'm guessin' being tired makes you feel a lot "shittier".
I woke up in the morning feeling like the day couldn't get any worse. Even though I was with my class the night before at some chalet. For some reason, I didn't really enjoy myself like how I would usually. I mean starting from Wednesday night, I was like some kinda melancholic slob. Not a very appropriate description, but you get me. Don't get me wrong, my class is still funny as hell. But.. for this whole week, nothing felt right.
It's like something is weighing me down. And I don't know what is it. I can't concentrate on stuff. My brain's constantly rejecting information. And yea, it's like I'm just back to stoning again. And not to mention, I've been really really impatient.
All signs are pointing to andropause. Well either that. Or depression.
A lot of people tell me off caz I go clubbing. Some people say I've changed. Some people say they're worried for my safety. Mostly family members.
The thing is, they should be worried about what happens when I find clubbing a bore. Because it's very hard for me to find something I like. I like how no one recognizes you inside. Hell.. People can't even see your face.How you can be a completely different person and just go all out. Everything's built on lies inside a club. People just tell you what you wanna hear. Sometimes you meet nice people. Most of the time, you don't. So it's like real-life, BUT BETTER. Because people can't judge you. They just forget you once they get out.
So yea.. once the partying stops. I'll withdraw from everything again.
Oh.. And remember how I said "feeling like the day couldn't get any worse"? Maaaann, I was wrong. HUGE surprise buttsex when I saw SMU's letter. I mean I already knew they were sending out rejection letters. But somehow, when I got mine, it was as if they mailed this.. colossal slap to my face (and a kick in the ass).
Honours roll for shit la.
I know this whole post is pointless. Haaaiyaaaaaaa. I just want money now. Like... All of it. If only I were a black gangsta-rapper, and my life could be exactly like all of their songs. Cash, dope, bling-bling, cars, women (esp. angmohs).
It'll be quite fun right? Well at least for a while.
Get up. Sniff some coke. Drink booze. Get a hamburger. Go out in your supah-kool ride with some hot girls. Get more booze. Sniff more coke. Zone out. Dance. Rap on stage. Dance on stage. Drink booze. Spit booze at audience. Take off your pants and swing them around then put them on. Do some slick moves. Get more girls. Get cash. Throw them at people and then collect it back later. Ride back to yo crib, feeling waaayy too drunk. Sleep. Repeat process.
Well, not very accurate... But I'm sure a life like that for a few days would be fun.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Let's talk about 2 people today.
One of them is..
And the other is..
Food for thought. For all of you who watch these sitcoms, you'd realize that, they're easily the favourites among the viewers. Well... because they're the funniest.
Why? Let's just say they are the "assholes" in their sitcoms.
If you think about it, we usually won't want people like them in our group. I mean... Seriously? A ZERO EQ geek (okay maybe just a bit of EQ) who wants to be a robot and a jerk who sleeps around with women.
Well, if TV is based on real life, then shouldn't we accept insensitive people/players and not ostracize them?
And then we have the people who are more SIMILAR to the normal people, being
But the thing is, on TV, they're the ones the viewers like less. Like how Leonard's always the "turn-off" and Ted is always the annoying/naggy/spoiler guy. Funny isn't it?
For me, the most important thing is to, y'know, take things easy. Laugh it all off. Why so serious, right? But... Easier said that done. I guess it's just human. It's not easy to put yourself in someone's shoes.
Alrightyz. OKAY... For people who want to know what kind of dressing I dig. I've showed the webby to some of my friends before. It's a pretty awesome site. The author has a book also. Which I came across in Soon Lee's Rockstar. It's also called The Sartorialist. << You can click that.
Really really love some of the outfits. It's like street, but also smart casual/formal for some. So yeaaapp. Hope some of you get inspired and start dressing like the people featured.. Although it'd be ridiculous for Singapore. Since it's so hot. It also explains why I wear jackets/cardigans/blazers out sometimes even though the heat KILLS. But yea, looks > comfort. (most of the times)
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
If I Had A Superpower #2
Just for now, I feel like teleporting.
It's gonna be so much fun. Zappin' around the globe.
Best part is, I can go to places where people can't find me. Like.... to the top of the Singapore Flyer. Just for the night. Or maybe even to Mount Everest to watch the sunrise.
Sucks to be me.
Just realized I'm always holding back. Like for everything I do. Not sure if it's cowardice or just the pure lack of interest.
They always say.. Time's the best medicine. I believe it's true. But sometimes.. All we really want is painkillers. Just for that moment.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
It's Getting Really Tough.
What's up gaise?
My knee hurts. Bruised. Pain.
That's what happens when you meet unfriendly guys at clubs who refuse to move. And no, I didn't get into a fight.
Went to Vivo with Nick. Same old same old.
Oohh, I watched this show called "The Shawshank Redemption". It's an old movie. But it's probably one of the best. Go watch it if you can.
Some people ask me what kind of songs do I like when I go to parties. It's usually this genre called Electro hop. The Black Eyed Peas. Far East Movement. LMFAO. The Cataracs. Yea stuff like that. I like Far East Movement a lot though. Guessin' caz it's Azn pride.
Well, basically, I'll be fine with anything that gets the crowd goin'. I like good crowds. And really retarded lyrics that make the band sound bad ass. Hahah I secretly do wanna be a bad ass.
"Girls on the Dance Floor" "Top of the World" "If I Was You (OMG)".. List goes on. Old songs. Yea. But I don't give a shit. Oh and I'm not too much of a trance/house/techno kind guy.
Yea that's about it guyz. See ya around.
Oh and I'm gonna start taking lessons for my sats test. Since y'know, I forgot all my math stuff. Let's hope the other students are gonna be fun?
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Confirm the Real Taste of Rain.
Hey what's up you guys.
Feelin' a lil' lonely these few days. That explains the increase in the number of posts. Nah I'm just kidding 'bout the loneliness thing.
Anyway. Few things to talk about today.
1. Singapore General Elections.
I knowwww... it's 2011. Our generation's all grown up now. We finally understand what's going on with the country and the government and parties and stuff. (Or some of us just act like we know. Like me)
This year's GE is supposedly one of the "fiercest" in many years and stuff. BUT. I don't see what's the hype all about..... Like everyone's suddenly DAMN into it or something (like even people who didn't give a shit about the elections in the past). I know it's good to have a little knowledge about what's going on...
But guys... Just leave the "politician-ing" to the politicians k. Chill out with the "PAP SUCKS" or "VOTE FOR PAP" or whatever.
Thing is, we're still young. And we don't really have to vote yet? Call me immature. But I'd like to stay that way. Because it's one less thing to worry about. For now.
2. Osama Bin Laden's dead. And the Americans are really happy about it. Okay, see, I don't understand why they're rejoicing over it? Sure, the major bad guy's dead. But definitely.. an organization won't collapse without their leader. I mean surely they have some people stepping up as new heads, right?
So let me get this straight, an American soldier shot him dead. So the rest of the followers won't get pissed or anything? In any case, Obama's probably right. They have to be more careful now. I mean with that whole revenge thing going on.
3. I should probably come up with a section for this soon.
#1. IF I HAD A SUPERPOWER. It would be.. The ability to read minds. I know I said something about having a poker face the previous time. Thrash that, it's lame.
Because if I could read minds, technically, I can do anything to react to a person's thoughts. Which makes me very very kick-butt. I mean some guy could be all, "hey jiawei, what's up, how's life man?" but behind that smile... he's like, "jiawei you fat ass, you deserve to die now."
And then I can just tell him to screw off, in a more impolite way, of course.
So yea. What kinda superpower would you like to have?
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
Random Post #6
Random post again.
1. Watched "Thor". And... the only thing I can say is, I found my new Marvel superhero. Sorry Spiderman, you've gotsa go. Btw, the Chris Hemsworth or whatever his name is.. he's hot and good looking. Typical Marvel movie. But yea, it has Natalie Portman in it.
2. Random shot in car in 3, 2, 1.

My face looks damn big.
3. I haven't changed that much yet.
4. Q: What did the Hotdog say when flirting with the Hamburger? A: "Nice Buns."
5. Okay quick quiz, Butter or Phuture this coming wed?
6. I forgot to mention my her in my list of good friends. Alice. She's my diary. I'm gonna start writing again. I sometimes sleep with her by my bed. So yea. I only plan to share it with one person, my future wife. Because she prolly deserves it. So if you ever read Alice, you must be someone whom I trust a lot. Either that or you're a screwed up fag who read it without my permission.
And to those of you who think keeping a diary is for gay fags/weird psychos. Just screw off. Okay it might be a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle gay/weird. But yea. CANNOT AH?! WANT FIGHT AH?
Yea, don't fight with me kay? Go pick on someone your own size.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.