Yo wassup guys.
For all of you guys who haven't watched Lady Gaga's new MV, "Judas".

Just thought I'd tell you. I love her biker look. Think I've mentioned it on twitter before. But it's kay.
Love the eyeliner thingy on her face. Love the jacket. Love her bandanna + hair combo. (Like how her hair flops nicely to one side.) Really really like the eyeliner thing.
Okay, you can go search for the video yourself now.
Some people think Lady Gaga's pure evil and she's part of the illuminati or whatever. Especially since her new song talks about her loving "Judas". I'm sure many people will think it's anti-christ or whatever. Like this girl >> Weird-paranoid-teen
Okay honestly, I've read the lyrics. It didn't show any pagan or whatever subliminal message. (contradicting myself here, because if it's subliminal, I wouldn't be able to tell?) But yea. Screw it. I think she's just trying to say.. People always go back to the person who hurts them most, because we love them and even though we know they'll screw us over, we still run back to them.
And so much for all the illuminati crap. If a group of people is trying to take over the world by brainwashing us... then just let them do it. There's no need to fight it or whatever. If they're really capable of doing so.. then am I wrong to say we probably have already been mindf-ed by them?
So yea, relax with all the "OH SHI- THEY'RE TRYING TO CONTROL US" or the "OH SHI- THE WORLD IS GOING TO END".
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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