Hey guys. I caught "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides". EVERYONE who watched it said it was damn good. So yea. I'd say it was okaaayy? (Btw, I don't like Penelope Cruz. Idk why. But yea.) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE potc. But I didn't really feel it this time round.
The plot was a bit messy. Like.. they were trying to introduce so many things, like the mermaids, the fountain, the spanish people, Blackbeard and zombies. So yeaaaaa, I'm just guessing the film aspect was just average. Like a normal franchise movie. But of course the entertainment value's there.
BUT, I still love Johnny Depp. No one will ever portray Captain Jack Sparrow as awesome as he does. It's like the role was made for him or something.
AND of course, the mermaid, Syrena, is damn hot. Just so you know, the actress, Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey, is Spanish-French. She's only 24. (or 25 this year) So yea, she picked up English for the show.

Sooo preettyyyyy. I really want a mermaid girlfriend now. Not that I want her to eat me or something. I'll just feed her lots of raw meat like beef or pork or whatever.
Then I can ride her while she swims to the depths of the oceans. Wait.. That sounded wrong. I don't mean THAT ride, I mean like riding a horse kinda ride.
Ah well. If you happen to meet a mermaid, please tell her she can stay with me.....
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