This is gon' be a long post. Y'know why?!

Just got this really cute question on my Formspring a few days back. For those who can't see the words.. He or she's asking, "How do you tell if a guy likes you?"
Honestly, I don't really know. Because the way guys react to stuff like that usually differs from each individual. SO. I got Shazlin to help me out with this, since y'know, she's a girl and she knows how guys behave. (p.s. click on her name if you wanna check out her blog.) Soo... here goes.
1. Prolonging Conversations.
As shaz said, if a guy is interested in you then "he'll keep wanting to talk to you." So yea, if you actually talk to that guy, you'll realize that he'll usually end his messages/sentences with..

A QUESTION! I think it's a pretty neat trick. Because people will tend to answer questions they see in messages or whatever. Or it could be some general statements that'll lead to discussions. For example, "Omg the weather's been crazy these few days.. Right?" Then you'll feel compelled to reply, "YA YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT". Yea, so if guys like you, they'll tend to ask you a lot of questions. Yeap. You get the drift.
So in any case, if you're using this "question" thing on the guy, and the guy's replies are just like, "Ya." Or.. "Hahah." Or.. "Okay." Then, sad to say, he's not that into you.
2. He Likes Stuff That You Like
Okay, so you should know people don't usually like EVERYTHING that you like. Because when two people just started to hit off, they usually "pretend to be a person they think their partner wants." As quoted by some woman from House.
So maybe try starting a conversation by saying telling him that you like something. (Something that you're sure most people won't like. Like... You like biting your nails. Caz that's what I do and many people find it gross.)
If he likes you... then because of Point No. 1 as mentioned earlier, he'd try to prolong the conversation. So he'll say, something nice like, "Oh! I know of people who bite their nails and stuff. And I think it's very cool.. blah blah blah." So yea, it's very easy to tell if a guy likes you because he'll say something's cool/cute/whatever because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
Yeaaappp, so that's all Shaz told me.
3. Physical Flirting.
Okay so from this point onwards, it's gonna just be MY observations.
Okay when I say physical flirting, I don't mean the full-blown making out or groping or molesting kinda thing.

It could be very subtle things like, winking? Or maybe even playing with hair... Or slight contact of the hands. And even eye contact. Y'know?
In any case, it'd be a good gauge. Because the more he likes you, the closer he'll want to get to you. It's very natural. Some guys are shy. But yea. You can go read up on the Five Love Languages thing. I'm someone who's very physical (not like the rapist/molester kind), like how I like hugs a lot. AND I always like to lean on people/put my hands on their shoulders/grab their arms when I go out with them.
And of course, if someone is interested in you, then definitely he'll always look at you. Sooo yeap. If you guys actually get a good amount of eye contact (or you realize that he's been staring at you creepily for the past 5 minutes), then I'd say there's a high chance that he actually likes you.
4. Just Ask.
I mean what else could be a better way? If you're some tough bitch who isn't shy and stuff. Just be direct and ask him, "So.. do you actually like me?" There. Then you'll get to know.
I mean it may backfire, since he might just freak out because he didn't expect it. But.. yea you could always brush it off. Or if you really really don't wanna risk it. Then watch out for all the signs. :)
Just so you know, in case you think that ALL guys will make the first move to tell you if he likes you or not. YOU'RE WRONG. Take me for an example. I don't really like making the first move, because I don't like girls who think "Oh... he should do it caz he's the guy". That's like bullshit thinking? (And girls keep calling for EQUALITY OF THE GENDERS. Yea right, just suck it up and be a woman because you don't have to serve the army, you don't get caned in jail. Okay sorry for raging.)
Call me a pussy or whatever. But yea, I think if you really want something, you should go get it and not wait for it. That's why if you see me trying to chase a girl, then yea, I probably really want her.
OKAY. So that's all I have to offer. Hahaha. Sorry if it's not a lot. But yea, just know that every guy's different. So... in the end you'll just have to go with your instincts. (like how shaz told me it all comes down to gut feeling) And they said women were born with a sixth sense, which is of course, your sharp instincts. Unless you're not a girl.. Then.. you should already know how to tell if a guy likes you? Hahaha.
Anywayyy, just saw something on Morgan's blog. It's... Beautiful. I don't know how else to describe it. Or breathtaking maybe. Anyway CLICK THIS if you love stars and clouds and mountains and nature. This is exactly why I've always wanted to live on a mountain.
Links are at <----- (somewhere above) the sidebar. Have fun with them. Not too much though. Just a few clicks. Not that it's not gonna get you anywhere, but hey, it kills time. I'm just kidding, don't bother clicking them.
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